Two Words That Make You Smile

It was a pretty normal Wednesday night. There were fans chatting on all the Clay Aiken boards and sharing stories of concerts, blogs, pictures and even families. But that all changed in a minute. Suddenly, at 10:09pm, the message boards were decorated with bright red, 48 pt. letters, spelling out only two words:



With that announcement, hundreds of fans dropped everything and made their way to the Official Clay Aiken Fan Club Site. Was the word of the night, label, CD, tour, Broadway, TV??? No, the word of the night was …….BORED!!

Is he blogging?

Is he blogging?

Most of Clay’s fans were touched that he shared a bit of his down-time with them and that he wanted them to know he was thinking of them. Their written comments in response to his blog were, in most cases, supportive and fun to read.

Clay did state that he is still recuperating from his jaw surgery and the uncomfortable feeling is still there.

But there was a challenge in the blog too. The Bubel/Aiken Foundation is looking for a new name; something that in just a few words makes a strong statement. This name change has been discussed for about a year and the board of directors feels the name change is important to the foundation. If you are creative, maybe your idea will be chosen for the new name.

In the last 14 months, Clay Aiken has blogged on his fan club a total of 15 times. Sometimes they are short and just a quick “hi” and sometimes they tell his fans about important events in his career and even his personal life.

Although there are many fans who wish he would blog more, most still get excited when those two words are flashed on the boards. HE BLOGGED brings lots of smile and lots of happiness.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

13 thoughts on “Two Words That Make You Smile

  1. Thanks for being such a positive place to come and get Clay news. It is appreciated more than you might know.

  2. Although I am not a member of the OFC, I am just thrilled that the MAN blogged! Get well soon, Clay! ALL WILL BE WELL!!!BTW, good luck name-searching for BAF’s new name.
    Be safe all!

  3. I can’t get over to ofc fast enough when I see, HE BLOGGED”. He thinks of us lots and wants to include his fans. There are many great ideas for the rename of TBAF.

  4. Clay Aiken is a fascinating man of many talents. I love it when he blogs also. Thank you so much for this site; it is one of my favorites.

  5. Yes those two words are just plain magic for me! My heart just stops when I see them! He doesn’t have to report big news, just that he is well and has entered our world! Yes I too love Clay Aiken and will always be a fan!

    Ditto……..absolutely love this site!

  6. I think whenever Clay blogs..everybody automatically has a big smile on their face. He is so intriguing..I’ve always thought that and he lights up my life. Hope he is feeling better soon.

  7. I love to hear that Clay has blogged! It makes my day! I hope he finds a great new name for his foundation and that he is feeling better very soon!

  8. i always love it when i see clay bloged that makes me smile clay if you are seing this now i hope your feeling better soon

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