GLAAD for Clay Aiken

Clay Aiken fans have been excited since it was announced on March 11th that Clay will present the Excellence in Media Award to Tyra Banks at the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards.  Presented by IBM and New York presenting partner Prudential, the celebration will be held at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on March 28, 2009.

After being “on a Break” for a few months, fans are looking forward to seeing Clay on the Red Carpet and hearing him speak about his good friend and colleague, Tyra Banks.

Most people have heard of GLAAD in the news, but how much do you know about the association and its history?  It is a very interesting organization.

GLAAD was formed in 1985 to protest the New York Post’s defamatory and sensationalized AIDS coverage.  Although the organization was started in New York, it spread quickly to Los Angeles and began to educate the Hollywood entertainment industry on the importance of more accurate and realistic portrayals on the screen.

The organization evolved from chapter-based to a national organization as its work grew.  There are now offices in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

GLAAD’s list of accomplishments is long and significant.  In 1987, after a meeting with GLAAD, the New York Times changed its policy to use the word “gay” instead of more derogatory names.

Today, because of GLAAD’s work, gay and lesbian stories and issues are covered in national and local news publications, in film and on TV.  There are less negative and imbalanced portrayals of the community and lesbians and gay men have been incorporated more in all types of media platforms.

To quote GLAAD: “The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is dedicated to  promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

Matthew Shepard

Matthew Shepard

An important purpose of GLAAD is to help change the hearts and minds of people through what they see in the media.  What people see on TV and read in their newspapers shapes how they feel and treat different people.  GLAAD feels that they have an obligation to make sure that the images foster awareness, understanding and respect.  When images perpetuate stereotypes and misinformation, gay men and lesbians become vulnerable to anti-gay forces. These people work to create a world where gay men and lesbians do not exist.

GLAAD’s website is full of interesting facts and information and this paragraph from their site sums up their work in a concise manner.

“In step with today’s always-changing media landscape, GLAAD continues to provide journalists and media professionals with timely, inclusive and authoritative resources, expanding the representation of our community one story at a time through an effective, forceful mix of advocacy, education and visibility.”

The Los Angeles Times described GLAAD as “possibly the most successful organizations lobbying the media for inclusion.”

Clay Aiken has been an advocate for inclusion for many years.  GLAAD picked a dedicated man to present the Excellence in Media Award on Saturday night.  Congratulations to Tyra Banks, Clay Aiken, GLAAD, and all the wonderful people involved in the celebration Saturday night.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

20 thoughts on “GLAAD for Clay Aiken

  1. Great article! I'm so proud of Clay for attending this event and presenting Tyra with her award! I hope we get some pics!!!!!

  2. Musicfan,

    Thank you for the background info on GLAAD. Looking forward to Clay Aiken’s participation in Saturday’s Media Awards ceremony!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. Very good article. Let’s hope that some day we won’t even need organizations like GLAAD..because everyone is included like they should be. Yay for Clay being on this show to give Tyra her award..she so deserves it.

  4. Wonderful article. CANN always has the most up to date, informative articles about Clay Aiken. Clay has been involved in so many causes and always uses his celebrity in a postive way. I’m sure Saturday night will be a wonderful event!

  5. That was a great article, thank you. I’m looking forward to watching this if it gets televised. I’ve never watched it before. Great job CANN you do good work to keep us all informed.

  6. Really good article! I was so hoping this would be televised. Love Tyra Banks, love Clay Aiken…want to see it.

  7. Very enlightening article!!! And kudos to Tyra and can’t wait to see Clay present his great friend Tyra with this honour since I believe this will be televised in May or June.

  8. Thanks for the great article. Congratulations to Clay and Tyra and all those who are being honored. Clay continues to change lives and teach us all. I am so proud of him.

  9. Wonderful article!!!

    Congratulations to all of this year’s recipients. I am especially proud of Tyra – she is an amazing woman who does a lot to change the lives of many (including summer camps for young women).

    Clay, of course, has been all about inclusion for a very long time. What an honor for him to be able to present this well deserved honor to his good friend Tyra.

  10. Proud of you, Clay!
    BTW, I’m loving your “Daily Quote” section.
    I visit this site everyday, several times a day looking for fresh news about OMC

  11. Very informative. I learned a lot about the organization and it’s history from this article. Hopefully more minds will be opened as the organization works toward acceptance.

  12. Nice article on how GLAAD began and why. Looking forward to hearing about Clay and Tyra’s get together on stage tomorrow!

  13. Clay Aiken is a good choice to present to Tyra at the GLAAD awards. I respect GLAAD as they took a very proactive stance with respect to Matthew Shepherd, which was a horrible crime committed on a young gay man.

  14. The GLAAD presentations on the 28th will be the first time for Clay Aiken to present an award at this ceremony.

  15. Great article. I hope the day does come when there won’t be a need to have to “fight” for someone’s rights. Everyone will just be accepted for who they are and not labeled.

    It’s wonderful that Tyra is the recipient of this prestigious award and that it’s being presented to her by her good friend Clay. I’m very happy for both of them and extremely proud of Clay.

    Congratulations to all involved in this evenings celebration.

  16. I am very proud of Tyra and all of the recipients that will receive awards. Clay Aiken has stood for inclusion as far back as his high school days. I am so proud of him and the quiet way that he goes about doing the right thing. I hope someday that there will not be a need for these awards because everyone will be on a level playing field. Now that will be something to see.

  17. Thank you for the very informative article…As everyone has said…one day hopefully in the near future…people will be more loving and accepting…and the bullying physically and mentally will be stopped…must be stopped…. Thank God GLAAD came and is trying to help. I am so proud of Clay.

    The Los Angeles Times described GLAAD as “possibly the most successful organizations lobbying the media for inclusion.”

    Well we all know that Clay has been about Inclusion since he was a teenager… You go Clay…you’ve always said you want to make a difference…AND YOU SURE HAVE…..


  18. Wow, Musicfan, I loved reading about GLAAD. I really didn’t now about their history. Good for them. I support their cause for supportive and proper media portrayal which better reflects the actual realities of the gay and lesbian population. It’s about time the US gets over its homophobia.

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