Support Clay Aiken and the Tap Project

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that not everybody has clean and accessible water. UNICEF’s Tap Project works to bring awareness, as well as water, to children around the world.

World Water Week is March 22-28, and you can help support the cause by stopping in at participating restaurants and paying $1 for tap water you usually get for free. Each dollar raised will provide a child with clean drinking water for 40 days, according to UNICEF. It’s pretty amazing how far a dollar can go.

Plus, if you want to do a little more, many cities will host a Tap Water walk on March 22 where walkers will carry up to a gallon of water a  mile in a “gesture of solidarity for children worldwide who suffer from a lack of readily available clean water.”

In Wilmington, Delaware, 6th grade students at the Montessori school are active volunteers in gaining participation from local restaurants in the Wilmington area.

How Water-Wise Are You?
Random facts from UNICEF

Did you know……….

  • that about two-thirds of your body is made up of water?
  • on average, people in the U.S. use more than 100 gallons of water a day, while people in most developing countries use less than 2 gallons a day.
  • it costs UNICEF only $37 to provide a water filter, purifier, and disinfectant that can be used by an entire village.
  • if you shorten your shower by 1 or 2 minutes, you could save up to 700 gallons of water per month.

The Tap Project is a favorite of Clay Aiken.  As an Ambassador for UNICEF, he made a great video about the children of the world and the Tap Project.  Take a look.  It is wonderful to see a celebrity who is passionate about making the world a better place.


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9 thoughts on “Support Clay Aiken and the Tap Project

  1. I loved seeing that video again….He is just so good with kids..and they love him…

    He is just the most amazing man…He just gives and gives…..Just found out that he travelled 6 hours to Atlanta to see his friend Merle, who is appearing in Spamalot in Atlanta… He always supports his friends, causes… There is no one like him…

    Thanks CANN for bringing this over.


  2. Tap Project is a wonderful way to raise money for the children of the world, and as always Clay Aiken is there in the forefront to support UNICEF.

  3. Such a simple idea that so many people participate in. $1 to give a chance at survival to so many.

    Love the video. Clay Aiken is an amazing man doing amazing work. Bravo to Clay, UNICEF and everyone else involved. We can make a difference.

  4. Musicfan,

    Thank you for another timely blog about Clay Aiken and his commitment to the Tap Project. Following his example, we can make a difference.

    Thank you for your kind remarks in the Pala entry at Carolina On My Mind. Have a great weekend!


  5. Clay Aiken … always thinking about others!
    He sets a wonderful example for all of us to follow. There are so many simple things we can do to get involved and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves. It’s a joy to follow this man and his music. He opens our eyes to so many other things we might not otherwise hear about.

  6. Thank you for the video on the tap project. I love the part where the little boy looks up at Clay when he knows its time to say “Unicef.” So cute. The children love Clay.

  7. I am so proud of Clay-he is involved in so many wonderful worthwhile activities to help others. I can’t imagine people dying for lack of clean water. It should not happen in this day and age -anywhere to anyone. Thanks for this article on another of Clay’s endeavors to better our world.

  8. This program is so timely for me.
    When we were in Zimbabwe a week ago on a safari we were talking to a young worker, Nelly, at one of the lodges. She was telling us about her going to see her uncle who died of cholera in the capital city in Zimbabwe. Cholera was spread in their contaminated water. Their dictator leader, Mugabe (evil man who everybody hates and fears) denied to the world that there was a water problem and said there was no cholera in his country. He closed all the hospitals to prove it. Nelly said there were 6000 deaths in that town in a matter of a few days, and people were treated in tents in the streets because the hospitals were not open. She went on to say that things have greatly improved because UNICEF came in and brought safe water and water filtration equipment. The people of Zimbabwe are very grateful to UNICEF for what they have done. Of course, I thought of Clay when she told me about UNICEF. It made me so proud of him to be involved with this wonderful organization.

  9. The Tap Project is such an easy way for everyone to make a difference in the lives of so many. Clay continues to amaze me in the work that he does with UNICEF. He truly cares! I love the video of him with the children! He is in his element when he is working with kids!

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