Clay Aiken – A Celebrity Presenter

It looks like Clay Aiken will be busy next week.  According to sources at the NC Theatre, Clay will be a celebrity presenter at the 3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards.

The 2009 Capital Awards will be on May 18, 2009 at 7:00 pm at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center in downtown Raleigh.

Presented by Capital Bank, the NCT Capital Awards is a program designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and performances.

The mission of the Capital Awards sounds like something Clay would be interested in.  The following is the stated mission from the NCT Web page.

CELEBRATE the work of aspiring young performers in the community.
ELEVATE the importance of performing arts education in community high schools.
PERPETUATE the community’s support and passion for the performing arts.

WHAT: NCT’s version of the Tony Awards, the Capital Awards are designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and the students who work so hard on and off-stage to make them happen.

WHY: The Capital Awards is another effort by NCT to advance the performing arts by highlighting the work of the next generation of aspiring young performers.

HOW: Schools/Arts educators will have the option to nominate their school in different categories such as outstanding orchestra, direction, choreography, etc.

Groups of three judges from the Triangle area, selected based on their professional experience in the performing arts and theatre education, will view the productions and assess them according to the program criteria.

The Monday night event is a black-tie event.  Besides Broadway veteran, Clay Aiken, the other celebrity presenters include Clay’s friend, Lynda Loveland, Steve Daniels of WTVD ABC 11, Roy Dicks of The News & Observer and others.

It sounds like an exciting night for the schools and students who are participating.  It is also nice to see Clay Aiken and the other celebrity judges giving back to their community.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

14 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Celebrity Presenter

  1. Musicfan,

    Great report that Clay Aiken will be a presenter at the North Carolia Capital Theatre Awards! His resume proves he is quite qualified.

    Thank you for your kind remarks and congratulations in the current Carolina blog.


  2. How wonderful that Clay will be a part of this. He has always said it’s important to give back to the community…. And Clay does just that…and more!!!!

    I am so proud to be a fan of Clay….What a wonderful young man he is…. This is Clay!!!


  3. I am so glad that Clay will be a presenter at the North Carolina Capitol Theater Awards. He is more than qualified. Wonderful to see that he takes part in these events in his hometown.

    I am very proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken. He is a stellar person. He is definately a man of integrity.

  4. I find it wonderful that Clay Aiken is walking the talk and supporting his community arts programs. He certainly is a wonderful addition to any community. Raleigh is lucky to have him still!!

  5. I think it is great the Clay is supporting his local community theater. It is where he and many others in entertainment got their start.

    I love that picture of Clay during the Nick At Night Bing Crosby duet. He looks so young.

  6. I heard that this awards show will be taped and shown on local TV next month. Looking forward to another chance to see Clay Aiken on my TV again!!!

  7. This is wonderful news! Clay is such an integral part of his community so it makes sense that he would participate in these awards. He will be a great presenter! Good luck to all those participating!

  8. Good luck to all the High Schools!! Sounds like a wonderful way to encourage and support young people in the arts.

    Great to see Clay Aiken among those who will be participating and it should be a great and exciting evening for all.

  9. That’s great to hear that Clay Aiken will be a presenter at the North Carolina Capitol Theater Awards. He is so supportive of his community. I’m so proud of him!

  10. I love it that Clay Aiken just goes about his life, presenting awards, accepting awards, and totally ignores the trouble makers of this world.

    Looks like this awards show is going to be one classy event.

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