Clay Aiken – What’s On Your Head?

Humans have covered their heads in some way since time immemorial.  In the beginning, headwear offered protection from the elements and from injury from falling rocks, weapons or masonry.  Later, head coverings became status symbols and a sign of authority.  Much later, hats progressed to become not only a uniform, but also an art form.

In fashion terms, hats are a very noticeable accessory because attention is first drawn to the face. A hat is the most noticeable fashion item anyone can wear.  The old saying goes “if you want to get ahead and get noticed, then get a hat.”

Clay Aiken  must be a huge fan of headwear as he has been seen wearing all different styles.  One time he came out with……

…….A wedge of cheese!!

…….A pimp hat

…….A Dr Seuss Hat

……A Bucket Hat

But, many times, Clay has looked mighty fine in a hat.  Below are some great “hat” pictures.  Which one is your favorite?













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31 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – What’s On Your Head?

  1. Hey….where’s the bucket hat???? hahahaha

    Clay looks great in a fedora.

    I do love #1 though…it brings home such great memories of Clay during the JukeBox Tour….”Motown” No one sings Motown like Clay….. oh yes!!!!!!!!

    But I love them all..but that is my favourite memory…I can see him vividly….in his black suit, white shirt, black tie and that hat…singing “I’ll be there”….I’m gonna have to go and watch that video now….. Thanks Musicfan….


  2. I guess I’m going to have to vote for #2 since the Clay Aiken Cheese Wedge Hat is not among the choices for favorites!!! Along with the bucket hat, how can we forget the various hoodies that Clay first started using as a coverup when he was trying to get around unnoticed in public! That man is always interesting and so is his headgear!!

  3. Paula .. you got here before me. I was about to ask where is the bucket hat disguise. That is my favorite. It is so cute that he thinks he is unrecognizable in it. LOL.

  4. Oh mah goodness – what gorgeous pictures of Clay! It’s hard to imagine a goofy kid (he was adorable, but goofy);
    would turn into the handsome man he is. Thank you so much for the pix – I love to come to your site; you always have something new every day and I appreciate all your labors.

  5. Clay is so handsome in all the pics that it’s hard to choose. But pressed, I have to pick #2. Thanks musicfan for another fun poll.

  6. I just love him in that silly bucket hat. The bucket hat and the ragged cargo shorts are just ONE of my favorite Clays.

  7. My favorite was the cheese head hat!
    cuz’ that was in my state! haha.
    Clays amazing wearing anything <3

    AND, if there is a cover of “I’ll be there” I would really enjoy a link as well 😉

  8. LOL – love the “Hat Clay”. I remember when he first wore a fedora (in San Diego IT tour), we were all shocked on the cellcert wondering if the reporter made a mistake or what? I didn’t believe it frankly, when I saw the pix and videos, I WAS A BELIEVER !! hee.

  9. I love all the pictures (every single solitary one of them). I ended up voting for #2 for the aesthetic value. It took me a while to make up my mind though, had to stare at all of them for quite a long time……

  10. Love Clay with a fedora, the 2nd picture is my favourite shot.
    It takes a real man to wear a hat to perfection.

    The first blend in my new blog is of Clay wearing the favourite hat and blue shirt too!

  11. I went with #2 also. I didn’t see him in that tour, but it’s a look I’ve always liked. Love the videos here especially the JBT memories.

  12. I voted for #2 also!!! He looks pretty good in all of them though!!!

    Thanks musicfan for all the great work you do.

  13. But, but Clay is under all those hats….so how and I suppose to choose? Where is the “all of the above” option? LOL

  14. Thanks for the great memories! I love Clay in all kinds of hats (the pimp hat from AI is hysterical!), I love the PIP hat (checkered fedora from JBT). Also, thanks SueReu for posting the link to the JBT Wolf Trap (I was there and it was a special memory to see it again!!).

    Great blog, always check here every day, like eating my breakfast with friends.

  15. Loved them all–picked #1 because it was a close up. And when it comes to Clay Aiken, the closer the better!!!

  16. It was a hard choice…but, after much deliberation, I picked #2. For me, it was a choice of #1 & #2. I really liked him in the Jukebox Tour…but I liked him better in #2. Just something about how he looked in that fedora. Yummy!!!!!

  17. I love him in any of them, but I voted for #4 cowboy hat. I’m a country girl and I love a man in a cowboy hat.

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