Clay Aiken Vs. Wake County School System

After reading Clay Aiken’s candid and eloquent blog yesterday, I wanted to know what was going on.  If Clay is concerned about the Wake County School System, I wanted to know why.  I did a little research.

The Wake County Public School System is located in Wake County, North Carolina.  There are 158 schools in the district and approximately 139,599 students. It is the largest public school district in North Carolina and the 18th largest district in the United States.

The district is known for its integration efforts. The schools in the system are integrated based on the income levels reported by families on applications for federally subsidized school lunches. The goal is to have a maximum ratio of 40% low-income students at any one school. Because of this, thousands of suburban students are bused to magnet schools in poorer areas. Likewise, low-income students are bused to suburban schools. This is necessary to help maintain the income balance.

The Wake County System has been cited as a model for how other school systems can maintain diversity in enrollment. But the election in October 2009 of new school board members who want to make changes could move the school district away from its diversity policy.

The Wake County Public School System made headlines in 2006 and 2007 for converting 19 elementary schools and three middle schools to a mandatory year-round calendar. It puts more than a third of the elementary schools on the year-round calendar starting in July 2007. The decision was unpopular with some families who argued that the calendar switch should be voluntary. A group of parents sued to block the school system from converting the schools.

In May 2009, the state Supreme Court ruled that parental consent is not needed to send students to year-round schools. As a result, the school board decided to no longer seek consent. But the election of new school board members in October 2009 who said they opposed mandatory year-round schools could cause the district to make more changes.

From all I could read in a short time, it seems that the district was a leader in making sure that education was equal for all students.  They seemed to think that the education of all students is more important than the inconvenience of a few.

Unfortunately, the citizens of the county did not vote in the last School Board election.  Only 6% of the population remembered to vote.  For that reason, a group of people were elected to the school board who are ready to change everything about the school district.  They are open about eliminating the diversity in enrollment and do not want students to be required to be on year-round schedules.  These are the “idiots” that Clay blogged about.

The new board has already caused a stir as they met for the first official board meeting last week.  Some people are even questioning the legality of what they did that night.  They added things to the agenda without prior announcement to the other members of the board or to the parents and teachers who have the right to question and discuss each point.  There are many news articles about what they did.  Some even wonder about a meeting that took place before with the new board members before they were sworn in.  They met together to ram their ideas through the first meeting.

I am not an expert in education, nor do I know the laws of the state of North Carolina.  I have only brought over some facts.  I think it is important that we know what Clay is so passionate about.

Today, the county board of elections will hold a preliminary hearing to challenge Clay’s voter registration.  Wake County GOP Chairman, Claude Pope has challenged Clay’s vote.  I guess he didn’t like what Clay had to say.  When we get the results of the meeting, we will let you know what was said.

Wow……..Think of all we have learned because of Clay Aiken.  I guess he is still a teacher.  His students are all over the world.

There is an excellent article from  It reports about some of the problems with the new board members.

Some of this information is from Wikipedia.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken Vs. Wake County School System

  1. Thank you for all this information. It sounds like the new board members are taking a giant step backwards. No wonder Clay is upset.

    I just don't understand how Clay can take all the abuse that is handed out to him. Those people sure had an agenda,

    Thanks again!!

  2. Once again, musicfan, you and Clay continue to educate me! I can feel Clay Aiken's passion for the children and his beliefs in his blog and I can feel your passion for Clay and his in yours. No man could deserve admiring fans more than he. He makes me proud!

  3. Musicfan,

    Thank you for the information about the Wake County Schools. I can certainly understand why Clay Aiken is upset with the backwards direction the school board is taking. In his latest blog, he explained his viewpoints eloquently.

    Have a great week!


  4. Thanks for all the information. It helps me understand a little about this whole mess. I hope Clay goes well for this situation

  5. This is a lot of information and I am glad to understand what has been going on.

    I am so glad that Clay stands up for what he believes.

    Thank you for all information.

  6. Rally..I hear you… CANN thanks for the update on the events of the school board….Clay is a great spokesperson for all children. He reads, investigates, and tries to do the best for those that cannot speak up….the children. It's not about anything other than for the betterment of children…
    Some of these people should be ashamed for their actions. It's not about them….

    I am proud of Clay Aiken..and proud that he "Uses His Voice"…the same thing he has been telling us all along….

  7. I had been wondering why Clay was so upset about the School Board that was voted in. Thank you for making it so clear. The Republican Party may never have challenged his voter registration if he had not spoken out about this issue. Good job, Clay. You always stand up for the children.

  8. I can see why Clay was so upset about these new board members. All the good things the School Board had set up..seems to be what this board wants to change. Shame on them! I am glad Clay stands up for the children.

  9. In a related issue, the county board of supervisors pulled a fast one in electing a new chairman. They broke a tie vote by voting again when one female member left the room to use the restroom. The newly elected chairman stated he's been looking forward to working with the new school board members and can't wait to get started.

    Because of Clay, I think more eyes may be watching all these board members now.

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