Clay Aiken – The Decca Decade!


The Decca Decade Has Arrived!


It is 2010 and now we know that news will come



While we wait……lets celebrate New Years!!

Did you know??

The most commonly sung song for English-speakers on New Year’s eve, “Auld Lang Syne” is an old Scottish song that was first published by the poet Robert Burns in the 1796 edition of the book, Scots Musical Museum. Burns transcribed it (and made some refinements to the lyrics) after he heard it sung by an old man from the Ayrshire area of Scotland, Burns’s homeland.

It is often said that “Auld Lang Syne” is one of the most popular songs that nobody knows the lyrics to. “Auld Lang Syne”  translates as “old long since” and means “times gone by.” The song asks whether old friends and times will be forgotten and promises to remember people of the past with fondness, “For auld lang syne, we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet.”


Did you know?

……..that a raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

Did you know?

…… many Americans, the ball dropping at Times Square in New York City signals the start of the new year in this country. The ball was first dropped in 1908.

Did you know?

…….Noisemaking and fireworks on New Year’s eve are believed to have originated in ancient times when noise and fire were thought to dispel evil spirits and bring good luck. The Chinese are credited with inventing fireworks and use them to spectacular effect in their New Years Celebration.

Did you know?

…….A traditional southern New Year’s dish is Hoppin’ John—black eyed peas and ham hocks. An old saying goes, “Eat peas on New Year’s day to have plenty of everything the rest of the year.”

Did you know?

…….The tradition of making of New Year’s resolutions dates back to the early Babylonians. Popular modern resolutions usually include the promise to lose weight or quit smoking. The early Babylonian’s most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.

Did you know?

The Tournament of Roses Parade dates back to 1886. In that year, members of the Valley Hunt Club decorated their carriages with flowers.  It celebrated the ripening of the orange crop in California.

Although the Rose Bowl football game was first played as a part of the Tournament of Roses in 1902, it was replaced by Roman chariot races the following year. In 1916, the football game returned as the sports centerpiece of the festival.

Happy 2010


Clay Aiken

and to all our readers from


The Best Is Yet To Come!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

16 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – The Decca Decade!

  1. Happy New Years! I can't wait to see what's in store for this year. I wish happiness and health for all. For Clay I wish much success with this new cd and I hope to see him on tour.

  2. Happy New Year to CANN and to Clay Aiken and everyone!!!!!!

    We have so much to look forward to this New year… We have missed Clay so much in 2009, and we are ready to hear and see him ……like Lots!!!!!

    I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2010…..


  3. Happy New Year!!

    Loved some of the Did you Knows……. And, of course, I love the photos of Clay.

    Thanks for all your wonderful info and fun!

  4. A very Happy New Year to Clay and everyone. I am waiting in anticipation for what is to come in the Decca Decade. We have really missed Clay very much and I, for one, can’t wait to see him back up there on that stage singing to us again.

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I'm going to share what I posted on another site (because we just cannot have too many posts about Clay Aiken and 2010)

    It's January 1, 2010, and while it's a time of reflection it's also a time of promise. Today is the first day of the new DECCAde. Let the past be the past and let's look forward to a bright future!! Lift the glass to the memories, but take the drink to the future!

    YIPEE!!!! Is it *soon* yet?

  6. Happy New Year Everyone!! Looking forward to the DECCA Decade!!
    Can't wait to see what Clay Aiken has in store for us this year!!


    I wonder why I think that the phrase I will hear most in 2010 is "Is it "soon" yet?"

    Looking forward to the New Year and all it brings …. Clay …. meeting more Clay fans …. new music to buy…. new TV programs to watch …. and tours upon tours. Now that last part is probably wishful thinking but a gal can dream, can't she?

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
    Bring on 2010!! Can't wait for what is to come …this will be Clay's year and wish him lots success.

    Thanks CANN, and happiness to everyone.

  9. Happy New Year CANN. I am so glad that 2010 is here and that Clay Aiken will be back among us again. Music, TV, Tour and who knows what else he has up his sleeve. The guy always surprises us and I am sure he will this year. Oh, yes the Decca Decade has begun. Come on Clay gives a hint of what awaits us.

  10. I'm so excited about what is to come for Clay and everyone who loves him! I know he has to be as excited as we all are, except, he has the INSIDE information!! I pray all goes well for him and his son and family and the future is brighter and better than even the best things he's ever experienced in the past! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🙂

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