Clay Aiken – 4th of July Fun

Independence Day, commonly known as July 4th or the Fourth of July, commemorates the Continental Congress’ adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, served as a formal announcement that the 13 American colonies were no longer part of the British Empire and would henceforth be free and independent states. Regarded as the birthday of the United States of America, the day is typically celebrated with parades, fireworks, ceremonies, barbecues and family gatherings.  By the way, can you name the 13 original colonies?

In 2004, Clay Aiken sang in Washington DC for the PBS Capitol 4th.  Besides singing the Star Spangled Banner, Clay sang God Bless The USA and Measure of A Man. The audience was huge in spite of the stormy weather.  We got lots of clack from that wonderful performance.




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10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – 4th of July Fun

  1. I know I'm biased but I still think Clay sings The Star Spangled Banner better than anyone. I saw Clay in concert on the 4th of July, 2007 (amazing!!) so it's just another reason I love this holiday.

    Have a happy 4th of July everyone. I am thankful for the freedom we have and for the men and women who help protect it. Be safe!

  2. Your blog is such fun to read each day ~~ always very informative and containing great videos and pictures!! Today is no exception! Wonderful memories and touching videos to watch. Happy 4th to you and everyone!!

  3. That certainly brings back wonderful memories. His version of SSB still can give me goosebumps! He was so cute and adorable then, and still is, but even more confident and handsome 6 years later.
    Looking forward to PBS and Clay in August.

    Happy 4th of July to everyone.

  4. HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE!!!! LOVE these pics and videos, I remember so well when he was singing those songs on July 4th of 2004…he was AMAZING!!! 🙂

  5. Happy 4th of July to my American friends!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

    Loved watching the clips of Clay singing on the Capital 4th…Gosh, it seems so long ago…He was great then…but even better now!!!!! Clay truly is an amazing young man…..

    Stay safe everyone!!!

  6. Musicfan,

    Thank you for the look back at Clay Aiken's 2004 performance in the Capitol 4th Concert. Hopefully, we will hear his incredible voice many more times in future patriotic programs. Thnx again for the rewind!

    Happy 4th to you and yours!


  7. Thanks so much for the videos. I was feeling a bit nostalgic after watching "A Capitol Fourth" tonight. Wished he had been on–guess everyone has to get their turn. No one sings the SSB like Clay!!

  8. No matter how many times I've watched those videos, they still choke me up – every time. I know they have to give others a chance to perform at the capital celebration, bu I sure would love to see Clay back there again. I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July!

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