Clay Aiken – Impacting Someone’s Life!

At the end of 2007, a book titled Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul was released.  As I was looking around on the internet today, I found the story that Clay Aiken related in the popular book.  I had never read it before so I thought there might be others who had not read it either.  Please enjoy!  This book is still available so why not stop by Amazon and pick up a copy.  If the other stories are as good as Clay’s story, I am sure it would be a good read.

“As I’m signing autographs, a very petite, pretty girl walks up to me and says, “Your ‘Invisible’ video made such an impact on my life.” I didn’t want to argue with her, but I thought she must have gotten that confused with some other video I’d done. “

“I thought it couldn’t have been ‘Invisible.’ That was just a self-congratulatory video of me singing on the stage in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard with a bunch of people cheering. There was no story line; there was nothing inspirational about it. How in the world could that video have impacted anybody?” “Are you sure you don’t mean some other video?” I asked.

“”No, I’m sure it was ‘Invisible,” she said. I asked her to please explain, and she did. “Well, Clay, I used to weigh about 200 pounds.” She paused. “You look great, but what does that have to do with ‘Invisible’?” “When I saw the girl on the stage with you in that video and you put your arm around her, it made me feel so much better about myself, because you had an overweight girl in your video, and you accepted her. “

“Because of that, I was finally able to accept myself. After that, my whole life changed, and I lost 90 pounds.” Then it dawned on me what she was referring to. While we were making the video, the music director had pulled someone out of the audience and put her on the stage with me. She wasn’t hugely overweight; she was just a healthy-looking girl, but I guess she didn’t exactly fit the image of what people usually see on music videos. “

“She wasn’t stick-thin or model-gorgeous, but I never thought anything of it. ” “Thank you so much for sharing that with me,” I said, but a simple thank you was hardly adequate for the gift that young lady had given me. Her words led me to the realization that you never know the one thing you do that is going to impact someone’s life. I try to set the right example, but that day I realized that even things I would never think would make an impact do. “

“I never would have thought that video would have affected anybody in any kind of positive way, and lo and behold, it did. The person it affected most was me. I realized that from then on, I was going to have normal, average, everyday-looking people in all my videos. I literally had to fight with the people from my record label. They were not going to let me do it. “

“They said that the video wouldn’t sell, but I wouldn’t budge. When we made the video I told them I didn’t want any anorexic-looking girls or model-perfect guys. If we did have beautiful people, I wanted the beautiful girl to be with the overweight guy, and the average-looking girl with the model guy. I wanted people to know it doesn’t matter what you look like, that everyone is good enough. “

“I realized that’s why “Idol” has the impact it does. You never see a contestant with that music-video look. It’s about real people, and I think the reason why Season Two was so exciting is because not only were Ruben, Kimberly, and I all from out in the middle of nowhere, Podunk, but we were all extremely normal, average-looking people. We would have never gotten record contracts if it weren’t for that show: Ruben being such a big guy; Kimberly, who was gorgeous, but a plus-size woman; and me. I was a dork, and I still am a dork. “

“We’re all just normal people from down the street and around the block. The final realization I had that day in Atlanta is that it’s not just people who are in the public eye who have an impact on others. You don’t have to make a music video to make a difference in someone’s life. You can be a bagger at a grocery store or a teller at a bank. You never know when something you do is going to impact someone’s life without you even knowing it. “

~ Clay Aiken in Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul

The Chicken Soup For The Soul series has been a runaway success in the world of books. They have been translated into just about every language but…maybe…Klingon!

  • The total retail sales of Chicken Soup for the Soul branded merchandise has topped $1.3 billion dollars.
  • The Chicken Soup book series has over 200 titles and has sold over 112 copies.  They have been translated into more than 40 languages.
  • In 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul became the best-selling trade paperback series in the history of publishing.
  • 89% of the US public recognizes the Chicken Soup for the Soul brand.
  • The Chicken Soup series holds the world record for having the most titles on the New York bestseller list at one time.

When was the last time you watched the Invisible Video?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Impacting Someone’s Life!

  1. I love that story! Thank you for posting this. I haven't seen Invisible in a while and I just rewatched with a different point of view. So cool. Great Blog 🙂

  2. I don't recall every reading that. One never knows what interesting bit of information we'll find at CANN. Kudos to Clay for standing up for what he wants and what he believes in.

  3. Gosh, it seems so long ago… I always loved the video, and thanks for putting it up to watch again. I have always loved how Clay just includes everyone….he doesn't judge someone by what they look like… He truly is a treasure….

    Thanks for the blog Musicfan…

  4. Thanks so much. I enjoyed that story very much. If I remember correctly this same girl who is in the Invisible Video came to see Clay by the stage door when he was in Spamalot. She has lost a lot of weight and she was with her boyfriend. Can't remember her name…but, she never forgot Clay..because he treated her like anyone else even if she was over-weight. She said he inspired her to lose weight. Clay is such a good man…proud to be his Fan.

  5. I remember reading this story and thinking of how Clay's words and actions had impacted her. I always think of a kind word or action as being a pebble thrown into a pond. It causes ripples to extend far beyond that initial impact. I think Clay has done that so many times for so many of us through his actions and his words. Thanks so much for posting this article. I had not read it since the book came out. It was good to reflect on this again.

  6. Sherry was very sweet & so was how Clay treated her both in the video & the stage door. I also learn a lot from Clay philanthrophy. Now I know that it's better to treat kids with special needs like a normal kids. I also appreciate more the LGBT cause I can understand what they've been gone through in their life. I learn new things everytime I open the news about Clay … I learn a lot.
    thanks to Clay, thanks to you Musicfan & thanks to all Clay fan who help spread the learning & the news 🙂

  7. How precious to see Sherry from "Invisible" at the Spamalot stagedoor. How nice Clay Aiken remembered her.

  8. My friend Jenn forwarded this on to me, and I nearly started bawling. My name is Sandy, and I'm the girl from Atlanta that Clay is talking about both here and in "Learning to Sing". I am in awe at how much our one chance meeting impacted him so much. The story behind that entire enounter is just so wonderfully bizarre…but it was apparently part of God's plan!! <3

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