Clay Aiken toured throughout the United States on the Independent Tour in 2004. Clay and Kelly Clarkson were co-headliners for the 30 shows. The tour started and Charlotte, NC, wound its way to California and ended in St. Paul, MN.
The 4th stop on the tour was at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. Both Clay and Kelly performed with enthusiasm and the audience was excited and supportive of the two musicians.
BUT….the big question from this night was…….why did Clay wear the great outfit only once? Why did he decide to abandon the great combination of blue shirt and jeans? So many fans have said the look was their favorite look for the tour. Did you like this look? Why do you think Clay decided to toss this outfit aside?
he's sexy and cute with this outfit. I Like Clay dancing and moving actively on stage like this video, hope he will do it again LOL…..
Yes, this blue/green shirt combo, was one of my favourites as well. Wasn't this the night that his biological father died? and then this combo was never worn again. I always thought it had something to do with that. Those colours look great on Clay though.
Why only one night indeed? That's a great look for him. I love I Survived You, one of my favorite Clay songs.
Sorry. I didn't like that shirt.
It probably shrunk a bit when it got washed and he couldn't fit all his layers of shirts underneath! HEHE
I loved this outfit. It was stylish and the colors were good together.
I am so glad that the Claynation is better at gathering clack now. I loved seeing the videos, but we are much better now at getting good shots!!
Thanks so much for reminding us of this concert!!
you know that second picture is from Wilkes Barre for sure!!!!
and we were there!!! in our 'upgraded' seats!!!! lol — guess
we'll just have to relive our fun until another obsession comes along!
Janet…….after getting your message, I went and checked again. In Wilkes Barre, Clay wore the Green shirt and the gray jacket with the striped sleeves. Also the pants in Wilkes Barre had outside pockets.
I am so jealous of you being at the Wilkes Barre concert. I bet that was a real highlight. I loved seeing Clay so touched by the audience singing to him!!
Thanks for visiting CANN and commenting!!
Don't know why he never wore that outfit again. It sure looked good on him. What a cutie! Now, he is even more handsome and mature. Our clack takers are sure improved today…also, I think the equipment we have now is made better. All, I know is, I could watch Clay perform 24/7 and never get tired of it.
Clay wore a strange jacket with striped sleeves in Columbus, but he looked wonderful in person (even though I was so far up in the arena he looked like a speck on the stage). That was the second time out of five that Clay performed in Columbus. I saw all but the first one, the AI 2 tour.
Thanks for posting these photos & performances. It brings back good memories.
I like the jacket, but am not crazy about the shirt. I'm not a fan of shirts that look layered.
I loved, loved,l loved that shirt on Clay. Thanks for posting pics of that gorgeous guy. Now to watch the video. It's been awhile since I've watched Miami IT footage.
Thanks for the clip of Kyrie.
Still my favourite entrance that he's ever made!
(the jeans aren't bad either, lol)