It has been exactly 13 weeks since Clay Aiken finished his concert in San Francisco and walked off the stage. For Clay, it is a time to rejuvenate his body and mind, plan his next project and most importantly, enjoy being a daddy.
For fans, it seems like a long time and each person fills the space in different ways.
For me, I have had fun trying to update all the pictures, videos, articles, and blogs that have been living “somewhere” on my computer. While doing this, I have found some wonderful things that I have forgotten about. So…I am sharing one of those things with you today.
In June of 2004, Clay Aiken appeared at America’s Promise to Youth Gala. Held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. this star-studded event was the first Gala for the organization.
The Gala honored six members of Congress for their commitment to youth. The honorees were Senators Edward Kennedy, Ted Stevens and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Representatives Deborah Pryce, Harold Ford, Jr. and Tom Osborne.
A young person selected to represent his or her home state or district introduced each Congressional honoree and Clay. These seven young people, two of whom have developmental disabilities, were chosen for their exemplary service to their communities as well as their outstanding character
As part of a new partnership with America’s Promise , The Bubel/Aiken Foundation provided each youth presenter with a $1,500 scholarship.
The emcee of the program was country star, Naomi Judd. The entertainment was presented by The Duke Ellington School of the Arts Chorus and Clay Aiken. Clay performed Measure of A Man and sang Bridge Over Troubled Water with the young chorus.
Fortunately, I have many pictures of the event. The following are a few of the pictures from the prestigious event.
I have not heard about this event before – you are always enlightening me with your
informative blogs. The pictures are wonderful. too. Thank you so much for showing just
how much of a special person Clay is. I can’t quite say just how much I appreciate all
that he has done in such a short time and continues to do. You and he keeps me in awe!
What a wonderful day and cause. And boy did Clay look handsome!
I had forgot all about this Musicfan, but looking at the pictures brings it all back to me. When Clay is doing charity work…his face just beams.. He is so in his element giving back. It is the fibre of his being. Thank you for sharing this with us again, and reminding us of how special this young man is. He has followed his heart, and has never waivered his wanting to make a difference. I am so proud to be a Clay Aiken fan.
Yes, Clayitagain, I am so proud to be a Clay Aiken fan, too.
i am also proud to be a clay aiken fan
Count me in as being a proud Clay Aiken fan! His heart is most definitely in the right place.
I also have to say – it's only been 13 weeks since the Tried and True tour ended? Why does it feel like an eternity???
I had also forgotten about this event. Thanks for reminding us about it.
I remember the pictures but forgot what it was all about. Thanks for the reminder!
I am always impressed with Clay and his philanthropy.
How could I ever forget this….Clay looked Gorgeous in that suit. I am also sooo proud to be a fan of one Mr. Clay Aiken. He has done so much in the last 9 years…and always stays the same Clay we first met in 2003.