Tuesday was an exciting day for fans of Clay Aiken! Clay was involved with the men of Celebrity Apprentice, trying to sell as many sandwiches as possible and make more money than the other team.
During the day, there were lots of tweets, pictures and messages that were posted. First we learned that Clay’s team was at Café Metro and then we learned that Clay was working the cash register!
Members of the team were outside, trying to get the patrons inside, while others served the sandwiches. Some amazing tweets came in saying that some one actually paid $300,000 for a sandwich!
Clay fans seem to always come through. Today, Dancemom, from CV was able to contact her husband and ask him to “buy a sandwich.” And, being the great photographer that he is, DancerDad took some wonderful pictures. Dancermon was kind enough to give us permission to post the pictures here…BUT…Please…do not post these pictures at the OFC.
Enjoy the pictures and:
EEE!!! Thank you Dancerdad/Dancermom for these wonderful pictures. I love seeing Clay in action. I hope he is doing well and having some fun while he's there. Go Clay!!
These are fabulous pictures ! I love sandwiches!!! But looks like
Clay is handeling the money – good job! He certainly looks very fit and in good shape! Hope he wins the whole thing for NIP!!
Congratulation Team Clay Aiken, it looks like they had this task on Celebrity Apprentice well in hand. Loved the crowd shot and thanks to dancerdad for his great pictures of Clay.
Loving those pictures from Dancerdad. Clay is certainly in good shape! How about those shoulders? Hoping the men did good on their task for the day. It was an exciting and happy Tuesday, to be following Clay around all day. Wonder what they are up to today?
Looks like Clay was assigned or volunteered for the absolute best and most visible job this time around. He had the opportunity to meet with every single customer. Talk about unlimited exposure to the *not just us* crowd. Way to go Clay. Continue to work your magic!
Also, thanks to Dancerdad for his support of Clay and his fans by taking the pictures. We are very appreciative.
Good coverage and review musicfan.
I'm officially in love with him!!! Way to go Clay! Looking good
Great blog! And thanks to Kim for getting her hubby on the job and getting these wonderful pictures. The Clay fans are so blessed to have you in our midst. Give hubby a big kiss for us when he gets home.
What a FUN DAY we had yesterday. Our gorgeous guy brings us such joy just to see him being himself. I bet the majority of the crowd was there just to see Clay. Thanks for bringing us DancerDad's wonderful pics, CANN.
Wow – great pics! Many thanks to DancerDad (and DancerMom for alerting him!). Can I just say, The Man looks drop dead gorgeous in blue. Yowza. Looking forward to the show when it airs in January!
Thanks to Dancemom/Dancerdad and Musicfan for these great photos. So glad Clay didn’t have to wear a hairnet or funny cap to do his job!
Thank you Dancer Dad for posting the pictures. Thank You Dancermom for contacting DancerDad.
Ethel aka "Yes I'm Ethel"
What a fun day yesterday. I love the pictures and I don't see how Team Clay could have lost with that big contribution. Thanks Dancerdad! Clay looks so great and the customers look enthralled by him. I have seen that look before-at his concerts!
OK…………….now why didn't I get to that Cafe yesterday. I missed all the fun!!
Those pictures are amazing. Thanks to the 3-person team for getting them on here for us.
I sure hope we get some more pictures sometime.
I sure enjoy this blog!!
WOW………….loved the pictures. Clay looks like he was in charge. I hope they made tons of money!!
Thanks to Dancermom and Dancerdad and also to Musicfan for putting the pictures here for us to see.
Tuesday was an amazing day!!
Clay sure looks like he was enjoying this initial challenge and he looked good doing it. I have a really strong feeling Clay's team ran away with the win. Thanks for sharing the great photos.
How exciting it was to come home from work and see photos and all the tweets about the CApp task yesterday. Thank you Dancerdad and everyone else who brought them to us. I cannot wait to see this on tv!
Dancermom / dad… You guys always come through for us. Thank you , thank you, thank you. Clay looks like he's having a great time.
Wonderful pictures. Such a joy! Thank you so much.
thank you music fan to put everything in 1 nice full story.. big thanks as well to dancermom & dancerdad. thank you to all the fans which make CA is very exciting (may be even more exciting than only watch it when it'sdone & it's on air :)) thank you for sharing it on line for us who will not able to see CA on our tv since it will not on air in some countries.
I really love this fandom… quick witted… big radar .. happyly sharing all the news.
love ..love ..love <3
Thanks soooo much to Dancermom & Dancerdad for sharing Dancerdad’s awesome pix! Thanks for the summary Musicfan!
Thanks for the pictures, what an unexpected treat.