Read About The Talented Mr. Aiken

The following are a few more reviews of Clay Aiken and Celebrity Apprentice.  Be sure and check out the article below this one as there are some great links for reviews.  It’s so much fun to read about the talented Mr. Aiken.  I am only quoting Clay related parts.

Xfinity – TV Blog

by Tracy Phillips

…Taking on the role of project manager, the bitter comedian showed her funny side, for once, during a puppet show that also featured the surprisingly versatile and entertaining Clay Aiken, marking Lampanelli’s first win as PM.

The article can be seen at Xfinity

CBS News – Celebrity Circuit

By Mary-Jane McKay

…Fireworks began almost immediately when Lisa Lampanelli returned from last week’s boardroom crowing about the dismissal of Lou Ferrigno. Clay Aikin thought that was a tad harsh and Lampanelli turned her venom on him.

…The task involved creating two puppets and using them in an improv puppet show for adults. On one team Lampanelli and Aikin handled the puppets and magician Penn Jillette was host…

...Who knew Aikin was so good at improv? He was performing with Lampanelli who has a 22-year career in the comedy business, and his joke stole the show.

You can read the entire article at CBSNEWS

Rolling Stone – “I’m Your Puppet”

By Katy Kroll

…Trump moves Clay over to the other team, so each now has four contestants.

…While Lisa will stick her hand up a puppet’s butt and give it life, Penn cannot, as he’s deemed too tall to be a puppeteer, so he’s relegated to host. Filling his void is Clay, who tells his new teammates he used to puppeteer at his church. Alrighty then . . . who can argue with that?

…After a heated argument, Dayana walks outs crying. Then Lisa loses it, calling Clay and Penn out for not having her back. In reality, they probably played their cards best by keeping their mouths shut and watching the fight unfold. Where’s the popcorn when you need it?

…The night of the performance, Clay does amazingly well, although he and Lisa get a little too raunchy in their dialogue.

ROLLINGSTONE is the link to the article  – Happiness is a warm TV

by brookecain

…Thanks to “Celebrity Apprentice,” we now know that Clay Aiken can do almost anything.  He can sing (of course) and he can act. He can also write, direct, design and produce.  But the coolest thing Clay has done so far this season, is display his mastery as an improvisational puppeteer.

…Right before the show, Clay innocently suggested that Dayana be given something to do and Lisa went berserk. As Clay said, “She went from zero to 60 in a second.” Dayana started crying and left the dressing room. Heck, I probably would have, too. Lisa is pretty mean to Dayana. Always.

…Clay’s show with Lisa and Penn was fantastic, and I have to say, Clay was the best part (Clay is manning the blue puppet at right). The voices, the quick sense of humor, the handling of the puppet — he’s a natural!

To read the entire article, click on HAPPINESS
philly 2 philly  
By Dennis Bakay
…Donald Trump made the decision to move Clay Aiken over to Lisa’s team to balance things out. He probably took notice just how much Arsenio and Clay were getting along and wanted to split them up. This works out in Aubrey’s favor, because she would have been dead in the water if the team was left with Clay, Arsenio, and Aubrey down the road.
…They go back in and focus on the task at hand; creating a great puppet show. Penn will be the host, while Lisa and Clay will work the puppets. They end up creating a damn good show, which impresses the folks from the Jim Henson playhouse. Clay and Lisa had awesome chemistry. I’m wondering why Clay isn’t an actor. He has some serious skills and a great personality to boot.
…I figured this week that Lisa would be due for a win and either Paul or Teresa would be the odd ones out. Lisa is just simply too talented to keep on losing. And, she let her talents do the talking this week as she and Clay put on a hell of a show. The folks at Jim Henson’s company decided they had the better show.
PHILLYis the link to the entire article
Radar Online
…in this particular challenge, Team Forte truly lived up to its name, as Lampanelli’s comic timing and singer Clay Aiken‘s showmanship buoyed them to a win.
Can you believe that is all they say about Clay?  RADAR is the link.
New York Daily News – 

BY Joyce Chen    

…Meanwhile, over at Team Forte, Clay Aiken is adapting to the “piss and vinegar” that make up Lisa’s personality by playing court jester, and the team seems to be getting along relatively well.

…The tension escalates the next day, when Lisa goes – in Clay’s words – “from zero to 60.”  One moment she’s not stressing, the next she’s screaming at Dayana, and the next she’s blaming Penn and Clay for not stepping in to interfere and then, oh no! she’s in tears.

…But she manages to reel it in for their performance just moments later, and the comedienne and Clay go “balls to the wall” with their puppetry.

The link to this interesting article is DAILYNEWS

The pictures posted in this article are from NBC


Lots and Lots of Compliments for Clay Aiken.  I hope he knows how excited everyone is from watching him.

What was your favorite part of Sunday’s show?



Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

8 thoughts on “Read About The Talented Mr. Aiken

  1. One of the things I like that his local paper is very impressed! Yea! Also he is so talented and funny. Get that man a tv show!!

  2. I really enjoyed watching Clay and I was very impressed by his Puppetry skills and the many voices he used. Thanks for providing us with the posts from the articles. I love readng each of them. Clay could be used in so many ways from TV to movies with the various skills(singing, acting, voices, comedic skills) he excels in. I love seeing him on TV each week and will be disappointed when TCA ends.

  3. Being a huge Clay fan I was expecting a lot from Clay in this past episode. He delivered even more than I was expecting him to. I would love for Clay to get some work doing voice overs for animated films. He clearly has the talent for it.

  4. I love improv and have watched the Genghis Khan skit an embarrassing number of times, over and over and over again and still I laugh my head off.

    Thanks to Clay explaining the four types of improv they were doing that day. Makes me appreciate his improv /puppet skills even MORE!! Clay was definitely taking on the more difficult improvs.

    Get out of my face! (HAHAHAhahaha… that is the meanest line Clay can come up with). I'll eat YOU! Get away from meEEEEE!!!!! ROTFL.

    I've decided I'm going to invade England as wel… They won't know you invaded them, cos you sound like them. But I'm quite… I'm quite ugly. Well, I'll fit in as well there too. (ROTFL!!!)

  5. great posts as always, enjoy Clay so much on the show, if he wasn't on it i don't think i'd be watching it, he's the star of the show. way to go Clay, will miss you when this show ends, wish you could be on something else, like a talk show or something, you're very interesting to listen to and watch.

  6. Thanks again for another great Clay day! Love all the reviews, and that you extracted the best for us, tho as you suggest I do go to the sites and read, comment, play vids, etc. I've added The Majors to EW as a fave reviewer!

    I'm enjoying the show a whole lot, and I agree it's because of Clay that it's special this year. I've watched this show before to see celebs I like, but none have been anywhere near so darn much fun!!!

    Btw, Radar Online says this: [Comic Penn Jillette tried to calm nerves, telling both: "Ladies, ladies, ladies, we have to be happy and jolly!"] – NOT, it was CLAY who said that, and it was even part of the short clip, right there on the recap page, of Lisa losing it and Dyana in tears. Which tells me the Radar reporter did not watch even the short clips from the show. Boo!

  7. P.S. I love Clay's Take also. Has the show had a contestant do that before? He's really good at it. Between what you find out for us and what he explains in CT, we learn a lot!! Like who and why the puppeteers are, and the types of improv the teams were to do… GREAT stuff!!

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