Clay Aiken – Highlighting James Taylor

I watched the Democratic Convention this week.  Today, I enjoyed seeing James Taylor perform as part of the last day of the convention. Taylor has been active in his support of the Democratic Party since 2004 when he participated in the Vote for Change concert tour that was organized to encourage the defeat of George W. Bush in the U.S. presidential election.


James Taylor is an American singer/songwriter.  According to his website:

  • He has sold more than 50 million albums throughout his career, beginning in 1968 when he was signed to The Beatles’ Apple Records.
  • In 1971,Taylor was featured on the cover of Time magazine as the harbinger of the singer-songwriter era.
  • His 1976 Greatest Hits album was certified Diamond and has sold 12 million U.S.copies.
  • He has earned 40 gold, platinum, and multi-platinum awards and five Grammy Awards.
  • Taylor was honored with the 1998 Century Award, Billboard magazine’s highest accolade, bestowed for distinguished creative achievement.
  • Taylor was awarded the National Medal of Arts,America’s highest honor for artistic excellence recognizing “outstanding achievements and support of the arts”, by President Barack Obama in a ceremony at the White House in March 2011.
  • Taylor has also been visibly active in environment and liberal causes.

What a full and creative life James has had.

When I think of James Taylor, I always remember that Clay Aiken remarked that he was a huge fan of James.  Clay has featured some of the songs of James during his tours.  I hope he does it again as the songs seem to soar when Clay sings them.

The following videos are highlights of Clay singing James Taylor hits. I chose this particular video of Carolina In My Mind because the singing is so good…the video jumps a bit, but be sure and listen. It is so good!

Did you see Clay sing these songs live?

Would you like to see Clay sing James Taylor hits again?

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Highlighting James Taylor

  1. I wish I had been to the first tours, but it wasn't till the first JNT that I got to see Clay live. As I've said before, thank goodness for our clackgoddesses!!! Thank you musicfan!

  2. I'll take Clay singing anything!!!!! But yes, he can sing JT's songs so well. What I love about Clay singing songs like this, is that his voice is so pure. You better be a good singer with no pitch problems, and can harmonize. Truthfully, I don't know of too many singers today that can do that. So yes, Clay can sing anything, and well. When I hear "Carolina On My Mind", I immediately think of Clay. He does love his home state.

  3. Yes, I would love to see Clay sing these songs again, I've listened to these songs by Clay but not these particular videos, he sounds really great and so do his back up singers, his voice is so heartwarming, he always makes my day brighter and you Musicfan for posting, thanks.

  4. Really? Political comments and views on a Clay Aiken Website? I dont think that is appropriate at all. As for the newsletter and website I LOVE IT!!!! THANK YOU!!
    Dont ruin it with that!

    • Janet…where in the world did you see a political statement? Stating that I watched the convention is not a statement of anything but that I watched it. I also watched some of the Republican Convention last week. I feel it is important to be informed and know what is going on.

      To me, the mistake would be that one would choose to to only watch one side. How could one make a educated decision then.

      So, I make no apology for my post. Watching James Taylor and reporting that he is involved is not political.

  5. I definitely would love to hear Clay sing more of James Taylor's songs. It seems that they are a great fit for the type of songs Clay might like to sing. I checked out JT's version of Carolina On My Mind and he does a really great job of singing it, but Clay — with his pure, smooth, and beautiful voice — does a super spectacular one.

    Thanks for bringing the videos over musicfan. They were the first time around for me.

  6. I love each one of these videos. Thank you for posting them.

    Musicfan…I do not see any political statement here. You reported about James Taylor. AND…how can anyone make an educated decision if you don't watch what is going on.

    Thank you for all the news and info you post every day!!

  7. You cant watch both sides because then you can decide for yourself what to believe and support. Just do what you are told to do without thinking about it. the other side knows whayts best for us.all the democrats I know watched the RNC and they had the lowest ratings ever.

  8. I love the information on James Taylor. He certainly is a talented man.

    Yes…he has been very involved in supporting his beliefs in politics….however, I do not feel there is any politics in this article.

    I don't post often, but do get the e-mail every morning. Thank you for all the great posts!

  9. Loved this post Musicfan! James Taylor is very relevant to Clay as an artist, as a North Carolina resident, and politically. This is a site about what is relevant to Clay so mentioning all three points is a home run for your post! My name is Claycrazy8 and I approved this message. LOL.

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