Clay Aiken – “Education Is Essential”

Uganda is twice the size of Pennsylvania and is in East Africa. It is bordered on the west by Congo, on the north by the Sudan, on the east by Kenya, and on the south by Tanzania and Rwanda. The country, which lies across the equator, is divided into three main areas-swampy lowlands, a fertile plateau with wooded hills, and a desert region. Lake Victoria forms part of the southern border.

In an effort to bring attention to the plight of children in northern Uganda, UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken traveled to the conflict affected region to witness the phenomenon of “night commuters,” children who trek from the countryside into slightly more secure towns and UNICEF supported shelters every night to avoid being abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Clay was in Uganda from May 24-27, 2005.

In 2005, the conflict in northern Uganda had displaced approximately 1.4 million people — 80 per cent of them children and women — as the rebels (LRA) seeked to overthrow the Ugandan government. Each evening, the threat of LRA attacks and abductions drove over 40,000 child “night commuters” to leave their homes. An estimated 12,000 children have been abducted by the LRA in the conflict-affected districts since June 2002, to be forcibly recruited as child combatants and sex slaves.

Clay interacted with children who were abducted by LTA rebels and then visited the Pabbo IDP camp in Gulu on May 25.

Clay said:

“Northern Uganda is one of the most dangerous places in the world for children. Children are being forced to commit appalling acts of violence. Children are being killed and raped. It was all too clear that those living in the conflict-affected districts of Uganda deserve much more. The global community must act now with utmost urgency to put an end to these atrocities. No progress will be made until there is peace throughout the country.”

Comparing the situation in northern Uganda to the tsunami disaster that hit Asia at the end of last year, Aiken said the Ugandan situation is worse because of the continuous war. In the case of tsunami, he said, reconstruction is already underway.

On his role as UNICEF ambassador, Clay said,

“Everyone deserves the best start in life, which is what UNICEF is working to provide the world’s most vulnerable children with. Education is essential to a child’s development. I hope that as an ambassador, I can encourage people to join UNICEF’s mission to make education a reality for children throughout the world.”

Unfortunately, things have not changed dramatically  during the last 8 years. Fortunately, the LRA is moving out of Uganda.  However, it is moving to other neighboring countries. The following are some facts about the LRA  and its founder, Joseph Kony:

1.  The Lord’s Resistance Army has been found to physically disfigure victims, rape women, massacre villages, and abduct and force children to kill their own family members.

2.  Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army are responsible for the displacement of up to 2 million people since beginning their rebellion.

3.  Joseph Kony was indicted by the International Criminal Court in 2005, charged on 33 counts, including 12 of crimes against humanity.

4.  Joseph Kony is one of the World’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives, according to Forbes.

5.  In 2011 the United States of America supplied 100 US troops to assist in the hunt for Joseph Kony.

6.  It is estimated that Joseph Kony has up to 100 wives and over 50 children.

The following is a video of Clay’s trip to Uganda.


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4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – “Education Is Essential”

  1. Thankyou Clay for Never Forgetting those who otherwise would have been forgotten. Thankyou for your Strength and Courage to go where others would'nt. Thankyou for bringing education to the uneducated. Thankyou for educating us , so we could be more aware & informed to help where it's most needed. " Most of all Thankyou for you Tireless Efforts "

  2. Thanks for the info, it's so sad to know what atrocities are going on in the world, we are so fortunate to live in U.S. and Canada, God bless you Clay for trying to help in anyway you can. Thanks Musicfan xox.

  3. It's so sad to read about the horror that so many young children have to endure. It has to be so upsetting to Clay to see this first hand. I'm betting he wishes there was more he could do.

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