Happy Friday to all of you! It’s been a great week!
Clay Aiken…you are one busy man!
On Thursday, Clay Aiken had the opportunity to meet with some great people who belong to UFCW – Local 1208. The meeting was at 1:00pm and was held at the Cliffdale Public Library in Fayetteville.
According to their Facebook page, when they met with Clay, they shared two important concerns with him; the need for better pay and better working conditions. Both of these issues are union-wide concerns.
The following pictures were posted on the UFCW Facebook page.
From the pictures, it seems that Clay learned a lot about the needs of these union members.
When the meeting was over, it looks like Clay lucked out with some awesome goodies!

YES!!!! Thank you to Women of steel local 959 for sharing us with Clay Aiken!! Jeannie Nelson: Tray we made for Clay Aiken today !!! (Owner the Chocolate Lady Fayetteville)
Clay wasn’t finished for the day…he had another event to attend. According to Paul Woolverton at Fayobserver.com:
At 5:30pm, Clay was in Spring Lake for the Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event.
So…that is all we have about Thursday! But, we do have a tweet posted on Thursday from Clay and his team…it looks like today – Friday, April 4th will be a full and exciting day!
Full day of events in Randolph and Chatham counties tomorrow. Follow along on Instagram: http://instagram.com/clayfornc #ncpol #nc02
For those of you who read from E-mails, be sure to see both new blogs.
There is some interesting news and pictures on Thursday’s Mid-Day report.
I hope you will check in again as the day goes by.
We will post new information about Clay Aiken and his campaign as it becomes available!
Clay is sure busy campaigning and doing a great job, can't wait to see that he gets thru May 6, we're all rooting for him, go Clay!! Thanks Musicfan
Love looking at all the pics from yesterday. Clay sure is busy, and apparently he is just as busy today… Love the 2nd picture down, where Clay is looking at the little boy. Thanks Musicfan.
Where is everyone today?
I love the pictures and info…especially love the "gift" picture. I wish I could meet Clay. I bet he is a kick to be around.
Thank you so much for putting this all together for us. I read every day and will try and thank you more often!
Thanks again for all the pictures and info. Great job. I found 2 wonderful videos on YOUTUBE last night about Clay. They are under "Clay Aiken for North Carolina". One is a montage of photos to ON MY WAY HERE and the other is to HOME. They are both wonderful.
Musicfan, I'm not sure if the previous post is ok or not . I found these and they are wonder ful. You lwill enjoy them. But if you can't put that post on because of "rules" I understand and you can delete it.
wow clay is indeed busy campaing and doing a amazing job i also wish i could meet clay and i also bet hes a kick to be around and ilove the gift picture and thanks so much for putting this together for me i also read every day