The popular talent show, American Idol returned to TV last night with an hour-long episode. Tonight there will be a two-hour episode. Starting with the live shows in mid-March, “American Idol” will cut back to a two-hour show once a week, on Wednesday.
This seems to be a make-or-break season for American Idol. Last year, the show dropped to an all-time low weekly average of 10.2 million viewers, according to Nielsen company figures and
that is about a third of the 30.2 million American Idol hit at its peak in 2006.
I will always be thankful for American Idol because it introduced Clay Aiken to the world. However, I haven’t watched the show for years. The premise of finding an unknown talent is no longer a part of the show and the horrible way they treat the former stars is amazingly disgusting. I will only watch if Clay Aiken is on the show.
Will You Be Watching The New Season of American Idol?
For Clay Aiken, it all started in Atlanta, Georgia on January 28th, 2003, when millions of people were introduced to a skinny redhead who wore glasses and had a unique fashion style. The American Idol judges looked skeptical and no one knew what to expect.
But like your mother used to say, don’t judge a book by its cover. Clay Aiken opened his mouth to sing and the incredible voice that poured out amazed everyone.
“Why are you here?” Clay spread his hands and stated simply; “Because I am the next American Idol.”
The skeptical judges watched and listened as Clay sang an excerpt from the 80’s song, Always and Forever and demonstrated his rich, clear voice.
Randy Jackson wanted to know where the voice came from and Simon Cowell suggested that he didn’t look like a pop star. But, it’s all about the voice and so Clay, the unlikely pop star, made his first steps on an incredible journey.
The voice continued to amaze through the following weeks. Clayton Aiken became Clay Aiken. He not only looked like a pop star, he became one.
Please watch this incredible audition video!
It doesn't get any better than Clay. An amazing journey for an amazing man. I hope we will hear his voice again soon!
Well that was fun fun fun to see again musicfan! I've been here since "Take" like many of us and I ain't going anywhere!! Bring on whatever you have in store for us Clay!!!
Oh I forgot to admit that I do still watch that show. Never vote but I love to listen to the singers!
Another one who's not going anywhere!!
Have been here since "Grease" and have loved every minute.
Don't watch AI any more, but thankful that the show gave us Clay Aiken.
I stopped watching AI after "discovering" (in Youtube) Clay in 2013. I may be ten years late, but I'm doing my best to catch up and my ultimate goal is to meet Clay in person and hear him sing live. For now, I am saving up to meet that goal and I hope and wish that Clay will return to the concert scene by that time…
Thank you so much Martha for all that you do in CANN. GOD bless you always
Took me up to this year to finally meet him! Plus got a selfie! EEEEE!!!
Yup, that would be included in my goal now…I would die for a selfie with Clay!!!
Wonder what Simon would say about Clay's looks now. Clay has grown into a very handsome man with a lot of determination, talent and commitment to children around the world. It is fun to see how it all began back in 2003.
thank god for americian idol if we dint have americian idol thered be no clay or other idols i also wonder what simon wold say about clay now and his looks clay has indeed grown into a verry amazing handsome man and with amazing talent and deturmanation and his comitment to children around the wold and just think it all started in 2003
I don’t generally watch much television, but one evening as I was clearing dinner dishes, I overheard a guy audition on what I learned several minutes later was “American Idol”. The young man was Clay Aiken! I was mesmerized from the outset and have really never come out of it. I believe I may be among the few who fell in love with Clay in a matter of seconds just by hearing his magnificent voice. Later, Clay’s book served to soften the blow of the breakup of my marriage as I read many wise observations Clay had made and wished to share.
I am not a follower of AI any longer. I have tuned in on rare occasions just to see how things are going, but I am always disappointed in the way the program has progressed. I anticipate this year will be the final run. To me, AI remains a synonym for Clay Aiken. Season two will always be the best of the best just because Clay was on that stage with his still unbelievable vocal range that emerges strictly from his heart and soul!