Clay Aiken – A Busy Monday!!

What an exciting Monday!!!  

It is always a fun day when you can’t keep up with all the news about Clay Aiken!!  Monday was one of those days!!

The day started with a tweet from Clay that announced that he had another new blog at Huff Post. Titled “Ready for Hillary. Voting for Bernie”, Clay talks about the differences of the two democratic candidates in the presidential race. Clay wrote:

…On the Democrat side, it seems more and more obvious that Secretary Clinton is on track to claim a nomination that many deemed inevitable as long as two years ago. The math doesn’t look good for Sen. Bernie Sanders, and in all likelihood North Carolina’s earlier primary won’t do anything to upend the equation. Yet, he soldiers on. Sen. Sanders has stood firm in the face of what has seemed like certain defeat many times before — from protesting for civil rights to the filibustering Bush tax cut extension — because he recognizes that sometimes the first step toward making a difference is making a point.

That’s one of the many reasons I’ll cast my vote in the North Carolina primary for Bernie Sanders…

You can read Clay’s entire blog at HUFFPOST

Clay has a real talent for writing and I hope you will take the time to read his blog.  And, if you like the blog, why not leave a comment at the site.  It’s a great way to let Clay and Huff Post know you enjoyed the blog.

Our next bit of news was another tweet from Clay!  He let us know that he would be on CNN with Donna Brazile and Brooke Baldwin.  A few minutes later, he posted the following picture.

Clay was on two different segments on CNN with Brooke Baldwin.  In the first segment, Brooke and Clay talked about Clay’s new blog and his official endorsement of Bernie Sanders. Clay explained that the reason he is endorsing Bernie Sanders is not because he is against Clinton, but that he feels it is important to have a primary that will strengthen the candidates.

Clay and Donna were both back for the next segment.  They were joined by Trump supporter, Pastor Mark Burns of the Harvest Praise and Worship Center. It seems that the Pastor said at a Trump Rally that Bernie needs to meet Jesus.  Of course, Bernie is Jewish.  For the next few minutes the Pastor tried to talk over everyone.  Clay was able to say one thing and Donna tried too.  Finally, Brooke was able to stop him by showing a video.  It was a real show!!!

Special Kudos to Donna and Clay for trying to stand up to the Pastor and get back on topic.!

The following are a few screen caps from the show.  I made a few and some wonderful ones came from Virginia Flores!

And…the news:

The Hill

Clay Aiken: I’m voting for Sanders

Clay Aiken is pushing for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to stay in the Democratic presidential race, arguing his presence could help force Hillary Clinton to gin up enthusiasm and emerge as a stronger general election candidate.
The former North Carolina congressional candidate said Monday that despite Clinton being “on track to claim” the nomination, “I’ll cast my vote in the North Carolina primary for Bernie Sanders.”
“I’m ready for Hillary,” the television personality wrote in an article for The Huffington Post, arguing the former secretary of State would represent a strong general election candidate.
“I just wish she could embrace some more of the progressive ideals that Sen. Sanders talks so enthusiastically about. She needs to be better. She needs to learn from the Bern!” he added.

He also suggested that Clinton “tell us what you dream!” and “ditch the TelePrompTer!” Aiken is weighing in on the eve of voting in a handful of states, including North Carolina, on Tuesday.”The reason I’m endorsing Bernie Sanders is not because I’m against Hillary Clinton,” Aiken said on CNN. “The benefit to having a primary, in some ways, is to strengthen the candidate.”

“I think it’s important to continue having a primary on the Democratic side to strengthen either candidate who becomes the nominee,” he added, noting that the Republican nominee would be “battle-tested.”

Beyond his standing in the Democratic race, Aiken said Sanders “has won the message primary” and pushed Clinton on many issues important to liberals.

You can visit this site at THEHILL

It is always fun to have a full day of news!  Don’t forget that tomorrow is another Super Tuesday.

 I would assume that many Political Pundits will be very busy, especially at Fox and Friends and CNN.

 I will be watching!!! You just never know where Clay will appear!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

3 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Busy Monday!!

  1. I missed CNN due to work, but thankfully someone posted the show and I got to see Clay in action! Thanks for posting the article and the pictures!

  2. Today we are voting in OH. Very exciting. I liked the way Clay explained how he decided to vote. I totally agree with him. I never think of turning on my TV in the afternoon if I happen to be at home. I'm going to have to make a note to watch Brooke Baldwin.

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