Another Rainy Day in New York City
Another rainy day in New York City
Softly sweet, so silently it falls
As cross town traffic crawls
Memories in my way in New York City
~Recorded by Chicago~
Sunday was a dreary day in New York City. From all accounts, the weather couldn’t make up its mind between cloudy and drizzle. It was a perfect day to stay inside and…maybe…get some work done on your computer.
Now, I have no idea how Clay Aiken spent the overcast Sunday in New York, but it does seem that he spent some time on his computer.
It seems that Clay worked on his public accounts…Twitter…Facebook…Instagram. He changed his picture on all the accounts. I liked the old picture, but the new one is outstanding and it is Clay – today!!
Clay spent some time on twitter. There were a couple of tweets that he answered that I thought were fun:
B.Adams: I don’t care what anyone says @clayaiken will and always will be one of the best singers ever
Clay answered: I don’t care what anyone says either!!
But I like you!
I also liked this response from Clay:
G. Sapphire: I was bullied mercilessly in high school for being in love with @clayaiken … Made me scared to come out.
Clay answered: Imagine what it was like to BE Clay Aiken!
Glad you’re living your life proudly and happily now! #itgetsbetter
You just know that Clay made a few people very happy today!!
Clay also retweeted American Idol contestant, Jessica Sanchez:
Wait…Jessica…check it out! It now has 1,959,965 views!
Clay: He didn’t say anything…he just retweeted so we could watch the video again!!
Yes….we have seen this video before…
there is a lot of beautiful singing on this video!!
Don’t forget…if there is breaking news about Clay Aiken,
it will be posted here and at CANN’s Facebook page!
We want you to know as soon as CANN does!!
Love the video! Especially with Clay's performance! Was nice seeing the previous Idol contestants with their beautiful voices.
This is a great video for the last show of AI.
Loved it all!