On Wednesday, October 12th, Clay Aiken posted an interesting note on both Instagram and Facebook. He took the time to write about his visit to Wilkes-Barre to attend the Trump Rally for the television show, The View.
Clay wrote the following on Facebook:
I must admit my opinion has been altered when it comes to Trump supporters.
No doubt about it, a Trump presidency is still one of the most frightening concepts I have ever imagined. That said, attending the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA this week and having discussions with many Trump supporters in attendance has made me see them in a way that I never would have by simply watching and not listening.
Tune in to @americanowradio at 7pm EDT tonight to hear me talk to @meghanmccain about it. And most importantly, don’t miss @theviewabc on Monday morning at 11AM to get the entire story!! #eyeopening
You can see Clay’s post at CLAYFB . While you are there, why not give his site a Like to let him know you enjoy his messages. Plus, you can see a short video he took.
I was able to hear Clay and Meghan on Wednesday evening on AmericaNow Radio. They chatted a little over an hour. Clay talked about his experience at the rally and how most of the people were polite to him. He said he did not take sides and asked each person to talk only about why they support Trump..that means no swipes at any other candidate.
America Now Radio sent out a tweet about the visit by Clay:
A few minutes later, Meghan sent the following Snap Chat picture. I love that Clay and Meghan seem to have a good time together!!

Meghan McCain In studio with @clayaiken – listen to us on @americanowradio right now!
I think I need to get Snap Chat on my phone. I bet it would be fun to use with the grandkids!!
If you missed the show and want to hear the interesting conversation with Clay and Meghan, you can hear it HERE
So…get out your calendar and put a ring around Monday morning so you can see and hear Clay report on his visit to Wilkes Barre and what the Trump fans shared with him. I am glad that The View is presenting some excellent shows about important topics. Monday will be Clay’s 3rd presentation on the show.
Have a wonderful Thursday!!
I love getting insights on this election from Clay! He speaks down-to-earth and I understand both sides of the situation and I can make my choice on the candidates!