Clay Aiken – Comments Needed!


Who picked out the sparse-looking Christmas tree instead
of the requested shiny aluminum one in A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS?


Monday…the week is just starting and Clay Aiken sent a message.  It was on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Clay brought us a message from Jerome Bell.

Most of you know Jerome, but if you don’t, Jerome was assigned to Clay as his security from the very beginning of his professional career.  Clay said about Jerome:

…Jerome, has been one of the most constant and loyal and trustworthy people I have ever known. He’s been by me for years as not just a colleague and friend, but often as a father figure (something I don’t think he signed up for, but a role he has played with more wisdom and grace than I could have ever imagined) and mentor…

Jerome was in a very serious work accident last month.  If you want to know more about it, read my blog her titled “Wanna Do Something For My Birthday?”

Clay set up a wonderful you caring account for Jerome. (The link can be found on the blog mentioned above.)

On Monday, Jerome sent us a thank you(through Clay).  I hope you will take a moment and watch the short thank you from Jerome.  He is my hero!

Jerome’s Thank you



The Chandler Art Center sent a tweet out and ask for retweets:

Retweet if you are spending Christmas with on Friday!     So far, there are very few retweets.



There was one more  tweet today that needed some comments:

AMERICA NOW HOLIDAY QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your ONE “must have” Christmas album?

Now, that’s not a hard question to answer!!!


What is your favorite Christmas song that Clay has recorded?


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Comments Needed!

  1. Jerome's Instagram was heart-warming and so sincere! Thankful he is doing well and will continue doing so!
    My Christmas Tradition is playing OMC's Christmas CD"s. Can"t pick a favorite, love them all

  2. I know Jerome only through Youtube videos. The Jerome stories of course are legend. Was glad to see the video Clay posted. Jerome will be in my prayers. Wish I was going to Arizona, but glad I have Clay's Christmas music. Wonder how many tweets Meghan got for Merry Christmas with Love Looking forward to Clay and Ruben on the View Thursday.

  3. Bless Jerome for his faith and his positive resolve! He will be in my prayers as he continues to heal. I will be going to the Christmas concert along with five other fans from Las Vegas. "Merry Christmas With Love" has always been my favorite album, and I play it year round. Clay seems to have a song to brighten my day no matter what my circumstances are. He is simply unique!


    • Kathy…I have no idea. I do know that I didn't remove it. I wonder if you posted on a different day by mistake? I do thank you for your support!

      • Thnx fr answrg. No it was this one. Usually when I press Submit it seems like nothing happens so I press again then I get a message – like today – duplicate or slow down etc. lol Yest I didn’t get or see anything so submitted again in frustration. I either hosed it or it was too long – am I the only one who can’t tell Submit took? I’m on iPh5 not PC.

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