What an exciting time it must be for Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard!
Their names are now in lights at the Imperial Theatre in Broadway!!
I assume that all of us are excited for these two talented men…but think how exciting it must be to them. Can you imagine seeing you name in lights at one of the most prestigious theaters on Broadway!
Clay Aiken posted the following on his social media sites!
My buddy @realrubenstuddard made his first appearance on Broadway last! (and that weird looking white haired dude made his first one in a decade too!)…. Brace your elves!We’re back together!
@rubenandclay this December! www.rubenandclay.com

It is hard to see Clay’s face, but I bet that it shows up fine in the brights lights of Broadway!
Before the lights were up in Broadway, there were some more posts about the show. The posts were on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Remember, these posts are not from Clay or Ruben…they are from the new accounts.
Facebook: Ruben and Clay
Instagram: rubenandclay
Twitter: Ruben and Clay’s Christmas Show.

More [extreme Ryan Seacrest voice…] THIS is the best way to spend the holidays. @RubenAndClay’s Christmas Show is basically @AmericanIdol Christmas Special 2.0. #RubenAndClayBackInTheDay
I hope that each of you will take a moment and check out the messages…this is a way to support Clay, Ruben, the producer, and the theatre. It’s easy to like the message!
AND…what a great holiday present you can give your friends, family or even yourself!! I can’t wait to see the show!!
Clay…..your name in the lights of Broadway…EEEEEEE!!!
"Clay and Christmas" is a grand combination! And having Ruben with Clay is beyond amazement!
Christmas and Clay is a great present. Ruben too.
I can’t wait to see this show!!!!!!!!! Congrats to Clay & Ruben on their names on bright lights on Broadway.
Sure do wish you guys would do a TV special for those of us who can't get to NY.
clay aiken and Christmas is an amazing combination and having ruben with clay is a good thing
And it's an exciting time for us too. Can't wait to see the magic again of the two of them performing. Go Clay!!!