Clay Aiken – Spring Into Action

As I write this, it is late Sunday night.  I am home from a long flight from Charlotte, North Carolina.  I was there to celebrate the National Inclusion Projects Founders’ Gala.  What a wonderful time!

I was able to say hello to so many CANN friends even had some time to talk to some too!  Thank you for coming up and speaking to me.

This was an amazing Gala.

I had loads of fun at the PreParty at Fitzerald’s.  The restaurant was all NIP! We had a great meal, time to chat with friends and a time to get a handshake from Clay and Diane.  It’s a perfect way to start the week-end.

On Saturday, it was wonderful to have brunch and then hear about the Standards for Inclusive Recreation Programs. Clay and  Diane Bubel introduced Phil Liebson who helped us learn more about the Standards. This is a huge project that NIP has been working on for many years.  I am sure you will read about it later as it will be important to camps all over the United States.

I certainly enjoyed listening and participating in the Playdate for all of us.  It was led by Director of Programs, Aron Hall.  He has a way of teaching us so much and at the same time enjoying every moment.

Saturday was the “Big Night”…The Founders’ Gala.  It was held at the McGlohon Theater.  Jerome Bell was the Keynote Speaker.  It was interesting and touching to hear about the difficulties after his life- threatening accident.  Nick Leisey, NIP Executive Director spoke about the State of The Project.  There was also an Award Presentation and a Send A Kid To Camp Auction.

After intermission, we were treated to a wonderful concert by Clay Aiken.  He was joined by Ben Cohn, Sean McDaniel, Carl Carter, and Dillon Kondor.  WOW…so much talent on one stage!

Clay sang songs from his album, On My Way Here…and he added a few more songs to make the concert even better.  Clay sounded amazing, looked great and seemed to be having a fun time.  What a wonderful event!

I know that I have left out a lot things…a wonderful raffle, a great Pastries and Coffee Sunday morning and, of course, a time to enjoy your friends!


I had my family with me for the week-end so most of my pictures are “family” pictures.  I will post a few, but also I thank all the people who posted pictures on Facebook.  I will post a few of those too.


That’s All For Now!  I am sure we will have more to say and show…..SOON!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

9 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Spring Into Action

  1. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful photos and Gala information. So glad you had a great time and you all got home safely! It all sounded like a perfect weekend.

    Clay really did sound good on the Live Stream songs that were posted!

  2. I am glad you are home, safe. Thank you for the pictures. The table looks beautiful. The girl in the picture is very lucking that she won. The prize looks huge. Thanks, again.

  3. Thanks for sharing your photos & memories with those of us who couldn't attend the NIP program. Happy for your granddaughter who was the lucky one to win the prize.

  4. Thanks Musicfan for sharing your pictures. Love them all. So glad you had your son and grandkids with you. It's a great experience. I'm curious about the table setting. Can you elaborate on it? It looks lovely.

  5. Had a great time.

    National Inclusion is an excellent foundation.

    Clay looked and sounded wonderful during the lost concert part of the gala. Listening to Jerome speak was very inspirational.

    I wish him all the best as he continues to recover.

  6. im glad your home safe and sound ilove the pictures I also wish Jerome the best as he continuses to recover

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