Clay Aiken Featured on 500th Show

On April 30, 2008, Tyra Banks celebrated her 500th show.  Called the 500th Episode Spectacular, Tyra used the show to give back to New York, the city that welcomed her when her talk show moved there.

Tyra did many things on this special show.  She helped Mayor Bloomberg plant a tree for his “Million Tree NYC” and gave out free Metro cards and fashion advice to commuters in Union Square.  Tyra gave out Yankee tickets and received surprise messages from Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jimmy Kimmel and Debra Messing.  Mayor Bloomberg proclaimed April 30 as “The Tyra Banks Show” Day.

But, for Clay Aiken fans, the highlight of the show was the 16 year old girl who won the opportunity to meet Clay at the stage door of the Spamalot.  Tara was told that she was one of five finalists and was super surprised when she finally met Clay.  The only disappointment about the show was that the meeting with Clay was too short.

The following is a video of Clay’s part of the show.

Click here to see video:


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10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken Featured on 500th Show

  1. I love, love, love this clip. Not only was it really cute the way Tara reacted, but Tyra is so proud of Clay and that he is her friend. I love the way she compliments him in Spamalot. Love ya Tyra.

  2. What an amazing dream come true for Tara. Lucky girl!!! I love Tyra and so happy she and Clay are such great friends. Loved seeing this clip again. Thanks. This is a great site, keep up the good work.

  3. I loved that episode. What a wonderful surprise and gift to get to meet someone you admire. Tyra’s one classy lady!

  4. OMG the part where clay Aiken reaches out for her when she thinks he’s a wax figure. How can you not smile at that!

  5. Watching that video again, was even more fun than the first time I saw it. How funny Tyra is. No wonder Clay says she is a real person and can be a nerd when she wants to. So funny! Also, it was nice to see Tara get to meet her idol..I was a little worried about her when she took her mask off, but she was just too excited. Thank you for the video.

  6. Love the clip, lucky girl! I’ll have to look for Tyra’s 500th show listing. I’d love to see the whole show.Trya is right, Clay was Excellent in Spamalot!

  7. That clip brought back some fun memories. I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. Clay and Tyra look like they have so much fun together!

    That was a sweet thing they did for Tara. She sure was excited!

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