In two hours I will be leaving the house to start my travels to Raleigh for the Clay Aiken concert on Friday night. The red-eye from California will be long, but it is worth every minute !!
I have been to Raleigh many times. However, every time I think of Raleigh, the first memory is Clay’s exciting return and performance on the American Idol Tour. I know we have all seen it, but it just seemed appropriate for today.
I will post as much news as I can from Raleigh. I will try and post about fans, the buzz and write a first-hand report of the concert. I hope you will join us here for all the fun!
While you are waiting, why not watch this fun video.
Safe trip!! I'll be on my way to Raleigh, too, and can't wait to hear Clay singing LIVE to us again!! What an exciting time we have in store and a glorious summer to look forward to!!
Safe travels to everyone on their way! I'll be with you all in spirit, have a wonderful time and show our guy some serious love! <3
Have a safe trip! Enjoy the concert and let us know how it is. I'm so excited for Clay 🙂 I hope everthing is perfect.
Wishing everyone going to Raleigh a safe trip! I will be waiting for reports. I can't wait to see the concert on TV. Have a wonderful time in Raleigh! IMO there is nothing like a Clay Aiken performance. He is the best!!!!!!!!!!