Clay Aiken – Speaks His Mind!

Clay Aiken held a Live Video Chat on his Official Fan Club on Wednesday evening.  After a small technical “blip” at the beginning, most fans that were in attendance thought it was the best Video chat so far.

So…the following are some observations and information that was shared on the chat:


  • Clay came across as relaxed and happy.
  • He included his good friend, Cameron, in the chat.  Cameron was on-screen and even answered some questions. Cameron’s girl friend was Clay’s roommate in college.
  • Clay was dressed casually in his PJ’s and no socks!!
  • He still doesn’t like twitter but will continue even after Celebrity Apprentice is over.
  • In a strong voice Clay said that everyone needs to quit criticizing his hair…he will wear it however he wants!
  • Asked if he will ever be on American Idol, he responded..No way in Hell.
Since this was all on the Official Fan Club, I do not feel comfortable reporting anymore information about the chat. Clay and his team have asked us to not copy things from his site unless it is on the public side of the site.  Certainly we will honor those wishes.  I can share that Clay did not give any information about dates for concerts.
It was such a fun chat.  I hope most of you had the opportunity to watch Clay and  hear his thoughts.

For those of you who were involved with the chat, what was your favorite moment from last night’s chat? 







Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain