Clay Aiken – Always Interesting

On Thursday, October 1st, Clay Aiken took some time to do some tweeting.  Clay is not an avid tweeter, but his tweets are always interesting.  He tweets about many topics.

I enjoyed Clay’s tweets on Thursday because most of them included a link to an article and, if I take the time, I can learn something about the topic.

One of Clay’s tweets was:

PRAISE BE TO MOSES! Chick-fil-A Brings Its Sandwich, and Its Values, to New York

If you follow the link, you get an article that not only discusses the food but also talks about the controversial values that the organization has.  The New York Times article is interesting.

Clay also tweeted about a Biden/Warren democratic ticket for the presidential race and then he tweeted about Hilary Clinton and whether she supports the LGBD community.

Clay also laughed at himself when another article used satire to discuss the Pope’s meeting with Kim Davis…seems the comedic writer mentioned that Clay had a special place in hell…I guess its better to laugh at it than to get upset since it is supposed to be funny!

Do you follow Clay on Twitter?  It is always fun and you learn a lot!

On yesterday’s blog, I told you about the appearance Clay was making at Politicon on October 9 & 10th.  Clay will be speaking about Big Money in politics.

Today, it was announced that Clay would be involved in another session at the  event.  He will be on a panel to discuss Celebrity Influence in Politics.  Clay will be joined by :

Ted Johnson:  Senior editor of Variety, covering politics and government. He also is the host of SiriusXM’s weekly show “PopPolitics”

Dave Rubin: The host of ‘The Rubin Report,’ a political comedy talk show on Larry King’s Ora TV. On Rubin Report, Dave tackles issues ranging from free speech and political correctness to ISIS to the 2016 election…

Patrick Milksaps: Patrick has partnered with  Director Morgan Spurlock on a film fund that micro-finances smaller independent films.

Ken Rudin: One of America’s foremost experts in politics and campaign history. He focuses on all aspects of politics, from presidential elections — with the primaries, national conventions, debates and general election — to the races for the House, Senate and state governors.

Jordan Klepper:  Currently a correspondent on THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART. On the show, he’s tackled topics such as College Football Unions, Obamacare, Crimean invasions, and being naked with personal information written across his chest…all for the sake of comedy/news.

This interesting panel will be speaking on October 10th, at 12:15.  I would imagine that this panel will present an interesting topic, full of ideas and a few laughs!!

For more information about all the events at Politicon, click HERE


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