American Idol Videos
We have created a new page featuring videos of Clay’s performances on American Idol. We have posted the performances already covered in Musicfan’s retrospective of Clay’s journey on American Idol. As she continues to post about it each week, we will then add that video to the page also. You can see it by going to the “Videos” menu in the menubar, or you can click here: Clay’s performances on AI
We have a couple of new features on CANN. One of them is the Glossary. I am compiling a list of terms specific to the fandom, such as song acronyms, and putting them here: Glossary. The glossary software also has a cool feature. You will notice that the word “CANN” at the beginning of this paragraph is linked. Hover over the link with your cursor and a little window will popup with the definition. How neat is that? I will be adding to the glossary on a continuing basis.
CANN Forum
The intent of this forum is to facilitate certain features on this website. Originally, we were asked if a place could be created where fans could ask questions related to Clay such as, “When did Clay say, ‘God forbid the Clack skip around’?” So now you have a place to ask your questions! And anyone who happens to know the answer, please feel free to post it there too. While we were at it, we thought this would also be a good place for fan organizations to post their events and fundraisers. So, please feel free to post them and we will also feature your events on the blog. And fans can also post ideas for articles that you would be interested in seeing featured on CANN. There is a “Forum” button in the menu bar or just click here: Forum. You will need to be a registered member of this blog. To register, just go to the “META” section at the bottom of the sidebar to find the link to register and/or log in. Note: If you have ever come to this site via your Facebook account, you are already registered to this blog.
New Video Bar
In anticipation of Clay’s appearance on America’s Next Top Model this week, we have put up a new video bar comprising of videos from Clay’s visit on the Tyra Bank’s Show.