Who knew when Tuesday started that the name Clay Aiken would be all over the internet? It was a surprise, but lots of fun to see his name pop up everywhere.
It seems that Clay’s visit to Under The Dome on Friday was filled with exciting comments and lots of interest. Do you remember? Clay talked about how Donald Trump was when he was on Celebrity Apprentice and how Clay sees him act the same way as President.
Judy Kurtz wrote the first article I saw. It was on The Hill.
Clay Aiken: ‘Trump didn’t decide who got fired on “Apprentice”‘
Clay Aiken, a former “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant, contends President Trump, famous for his “You’re fired!” catchphrase, wasn’t the one making the big decisions on the series.
“Trump didn’t decide who got fired on ‘Apprentice,’ I mean, NBC made those decisions,” Aiken, who competed on the then-Trump-hosted “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2012, recently told Domecast, a podcast from North Carolina’s News & Observer newspaper.
“There used to be a little thing right on his desk that looked like a phone — he pretended it was a phone — but it was actually a teleprompter where the producers were sending him notes,” said Aiken, who launched a failed House bid in North Carolina as a Democrat in 2014. “He didn’t know that people were getting in fights during the week while we were doing these tasks, the producers did. And they’d send him notes and he’d say, ‘Oh you two didn’t get along.’”
Aiken says, “It was very much, ‘I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.’”
Saying he thinks Trump is actually a “nice guy,” Aiken maintained he’s “probably leading the country in the same way that he did ‘The Apprentice.’…
You can read the rest of the article at: THE HILL
As the day continued, articles popped up from People.com to AOL Entertainment…from U.S. Weekly to The Daily Mail
At the time I am writing this blog, there are over 50 sites that have picked up the information and reported on Clay’s comments.
One of my favorite articles was at the Huff Post. Maxwell Strachan said:
Trump Didn’t Even Decide Who Got Fired On ‘The Apprentice,’ Clay Aiken Says
“NBC made those decisions,” the former contestant said.
…“Trump didn’t decide who got fired on ‘Apprentice,’” he said. “NBC made those decisions.”
At another point, Aiken said, “He [Trump] didn’t make those decisions, he didn’t fire those people. It was very much, ‘I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.’”
According to Aiken, the show even set up little ways to help Trump along through filming.“There used to be a little thing right on his desk that looked like a phone,”
Aiken said. “He pretended it was a phone, but it was actually a teleprompter where the producers were sending him notes.”
Aiken may be a Democrat who once ran for Congress in North Carolina, but he tried to clarify that he wasn’t trying “to be incendiary” with his comments. He simply wanted people to know that “Trump isn’t the businessman that people believe he is.”
“He did look like he was leading. But on ‘The Apprentice’ he doesn’t lead,” Aiken said. “He’s told by the producers, ‘Here’s what happened. Here’s who should win.’”
Now that Trump has risen from a TV personality to president of the United States, Aiken can’t help but imagine Trump is “leading the country in the same way that he did ‘The Apprentice.’”…
You can read the rest of the article at HUFF POST
The Daily Mail had lots of pictures with their article:
I wonder how many new article will be out there tomorrow and I can’t help but wonder how Donald Trump will feel about Clay’s comments.
Besides News articles, Twitter was all over the place with tweets to and about Clay and his comments. As with almost anything on twitter, there were great comments and no so great comments. But there was one I really thought was fun!
Andy SpechtVerified account @AndySpecht (Andy is from Domecast)
Andy Specht Retweeted Colin Campbell
It was only a matter of time before Colin made Domecast famous! Ok, ok
@clayaiken might’ve helped too …
There was other news about Clay Aiken on Tuesday too. It was announced that Clay Aiken will be attending Politicon and participating in some exciting panels. Politician is being held at the Pasadena Convention Center on July 29-30. I attended the two day event last year and have had my tickets for this year for a few months. Having Clay there is just an extra bit of fun!
So…will there be more articles tomorrow?
Will Clay be interviewed again about his Friday interview?
Will Mr. Trump know that Clay talked about him?
All I know is that I enjoyed seeing Clay in the news!!