Clay Aiken – The Excitement Begins

Clay Aiken blogged on January 1, 2012.  What a great way to start the New Year!

Personally, I loved reading the enthusiasm in Clay’s blog.  His writing was filled with exciting anticipation and hope for a spectacular year!

We already know that Clay will be busy on his “secret project” for a few months…we also know that Clay has a wonderful new single that has “hit” written all over it.  And, there is a hint that a tour might happen this year!!  It already sounds like Clay will be busy!

But…we all need to be busy too.  There are many things that we can do to support Clay this year.  All of these suggestions are easy and in no way are interfering with Clay’s professional team.

  1. Follow Clay on his Official Twitter account.  Whether Clay tweets or not, this is a great way to show support.  There is no doubt that UMG keeps track of these numbers.  If you are not a fan of Twitter, just follow Clay and use it only when some special news needs to be spread about.  Go to TWITTER Just ask for help if you need it!
  2. Join Facebook and “like” Clay.  Again, the numbers count.  This is the way of the times.  Remember, you do NOT have to share personal information on Facebook.  They don’t care if your address is in Alaska or Florida and they don’t need your phone number or bank account information.  You don’t have to be active unless Clay needs you to be active.  Go to FACEBOOK
  3. Visit Clay’s MySpace page and listen to his new song there.  It’s right back to the numbers again.  The more spins, the better for Clay…it’s easy and it makes you feel like you are doing something to help.  Be sure and refresh between plays.  CLAY’SMYSPACE
  4. Click on Internet articles about Clay and then leave a comment.  Comments are a way to let the site and author know you like to read positive things about Clay.  These sites want lots of hits so if they think Clay will give them hits they will write more.  Keep your comments short and simple…make it a thank you and maybe a comment.
  5. Join the Celebrity Apprentice official discussion site.  This will be a great place to discuss Clay in the coming months. CELEBRITYAPPRENTICE
  6. Gift a download of Bring Back My Love to all your friends who have Internet access.  If they hear it, they will like it!
  7. Wait for word from Clay and his team before contacting radio stations.  We want to do it correctly as this is important.  We don’t want to annoy the stations.

The most important thing we can do is to have fun!!  Enjoy the time…I bet you are smiling right now!!



 For more information on the importance of social media numbers: is a web site used primarily by entertainment industry professionals, major brands and their advertising agencies, and Wall Street analysts to access information about the popularity of music, film, and television as it is distributed and sold. BigChampagne’s sources for data include retail accounts (point of sale), traditional radio and television broadcasters, internet radio broadcasters, internet on-demand streaming services, social networks and blogs, mobile device streaming and downloading services, as well as file sharing networks. BigChampagne’s tagline is, “Now you know everything.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain