Clay Aiken was in New York Wednesday night to be honored and supported by the Broadway community.
According to those in attendance, the evening was wonderful. The event was held in the home of Philip Birsh, the CEO and Publisher of Playbill.
Two of Clay’s friends, Ken Arpino and Drew King, were put to work at the reception table, greeting the guests and passing out donation envelopes and other campaign fun. Ken and Drew were brothers in the Ogunquit Playhouse production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Clay in 2013.
There was a great crowd and it seemed that each one wanted to be counted as a supporter of Clay Aiken. Clay made a point of chatting with each person and thanked them for their support.
The highlight of the evening was the wonderful songs by Betty Buckley, Christine Ebersole, and Beth Leavel. What a treat to hear each wonderful lady singing live in an intimate setting.
Clay took a few minutes to speak to the group about why he was running for Congress and highlight some of the things he hopes to accomplish in Washington DC.
It was a lovely evening and hopefully, the guests were able to fill out those donation envelopes.
So far, there has not been many pictures but there is one you won’t want to miss…

Ken Arpino @KenArpino Night #1 is a success! Such amazing hosts and incredible talent! @BettyBuckley @xtineebersole #bethleavel #NC02 Who is that photobombing the picture???!!!
I hope we will get more information and pictures later today!!
WRAL-TV is the CBS-affiliated television station in Raleigh, North Carolina. On their web-site, they post short videos of candidates in the U.S. Senate, 2nd Congressional District, 7th Congressional District and 13th Congressional District of North Carolina. Each candidate discusses their priorities, the economy, immigration, the Affordable Care Act and U.S. foreign policy.
I took the time to watch the videos by Clay Aiken and I also watched Renee Elmers too. They are as different as night and day!!!
If you would like to watch Clay, you can easily see the videos at WRAL . They are not long and it is interesting to hear Clay stating his political ideas and beliefs.
I will watch for more reports and pictures from the Broadway reception/findraiser and if they are available, I will post them mid-day!
AND….tonight, Clay has two more events in New York…Today will be a great day!!!