September 22, 2006………Clay Aiken was in the “blender.” It was the fourth day of his frantic spin through the talk-show circuit, promoting his new album, A Thousand Different Ways.
On September 22, Clay visited The View. Clay was greeted with great warmth by Rosie O’Donnell and the other ladies. They chatted about several different issues including panic attacks, fame and hair styles.
Rosie was the definite leader of the interview. She related that she had her roots in Star Search and could relate to his experience on American Idol and how overwhelming the whirlwind was after the show.
Much of the short interview was about panic attacks and how common they are in the world. The ladies were very supportive and wanted to make sure they conveyed the fact that the panic attacks were nothing to be ashamed of. Rosie said that Clay was doing all the right things. Clay was surrounded by a very supportive group of ladies.
The audience was filled with Clay fans and the entire group was excited to see Clay and hear him sing. Clay sang his first single Without You, a favorite on the new album. Clay stood on the stage which was set beautifully. This is something The View tries to do for their musical artists.
Two videos are available for this appearance and the first one includes the positive interview. The second video is Clay’s performance of Without You.