I hope all of you are having a relaxing holiday vacation!
No special news today…CANN is just posting some fun pictures and posts from the last few days on Broadway in 2018.
Did you get to see this fabulous Christmas on Broadway ?
I am glad that CANN has pictures to share with you!
Big thanks to all the people who take so many wonderful pictures!

Love it!!! This was during the sound check for Clay and Ruben’s visit to Fox and Friends!!

These are the band members for the show. These fabulous musicians are never seen, but they are amazing. Ben Cohn is the conductor! He is on the left!

On December 16th, it was raining…but Clay was still out at the stage door to say hello to his fans!
Dancermom is the owner of Clayversity. Her husband takes fabulous pictures.
The following 2 pictures are from dancermom and dancerdad

Thank you, dancerdad!

Thank you again, Dancerdad
Many thanks for sharing these fabulous pictures.
If you post these pictures, be sure and give credit to dancermom and dancerdad!

After seeing the show, Tyra Banks stopped by to say hi to the cast!

Tyra posted that she loved the show and wished she had brought her son to see the show too!

Clay sure looked good when he was a visitor on the Wendy Williams Show!

Opening night Post party! Hmmm!!! How about that sweater of Clays???
I hope you enjoyed these pictures! I love them all and enjoy sharing with you!