Welcome to another great day at Clay Aiken News Network!
It’s always fun when there is lots of exciting news about Clay Aiken and his campaign for Congress
Indy Week is a news site that covers Raleigh, Cary, Durham, and Chapel Hill. Writer, Bob Geary covers politics for the site. He wrote a positive and interesting article on Monday.
Indy Week : Renee Ellmers-Clay Aiken election campaign: Take one down, pass it around
It’s July — still — and no time to be thinking about elections, which aren’t until —
Bzzzt. My mailbox is overflowing with reminders that just 100 days remain … no, now it’s 99 days … until Nov. 4, Election Day. Y’ouch.
So, let’s begin our election season with Renee Ellmers, Republican incumbent, versus Clay Aiken, Democratic challenger, for the U.S. House of Representatives, 2nd District of N.C.
Remember the House? Hasn’t done anything in years except try to repeal Obamacare and, now, get ready to sue President Obama. Is this where the term “clown car” came from?
In recent days, Congresswoman Ellmers made some news when she told a Republican audience that her mostly male political colleagues, when discussing policy questions, should “bring it down to a woman’s level” if they want to be understood.
Somewhere in there was a point, I think. Although Ellmers delivered it with what I’m afraid is her all-too-common incoherence. More on this below.
Meanwhile, Clay Aiken, for whom I would undoubtedly vote, pollsters, “if the election were held today,” is holding his own against Ellmers in terms of fundraising. He may — may — give her a run for her money in November, so to speak, notwithstanding the fact that the 2nd District is heavily gerrymandered in favor of the Republican candidate.
Aiken is putting together three of my favorite things in Raleigh Wednesday night at a fundraiser. One, it’s at Southland Ballroom, which has replaced the Berkeley Cafe on my list of best music halls in Raleigh following the latter’s decimation. Two, it features the Red Clay Ramblers, who will perform. I definitely
them. Three, it’s Clay Aiken, and as I’ve already explained, I lost all objectivity re: Clay when he was on “American Idol.”
I also think he’s acquitted himself well as a candidate thus far….
…Here’s a thought: Aiken is challenging Ellmers to debate him.
That’s an excellent idea — if they debate, she can explain for herself what she means, and so can he.
The entire article is interesting. You can read it all at INDYWEEK
Harold Weinbrecht is the Mayor of the city of Cary. He keeps the residents of Cary informed by writing a blog for The Cary Citizen. On Monday he posted a paragraph about Clay:
Harold’s Blog: Double Dose
…Tuesday I had the honor and privilege of meeting and talking with Clay Aiken who is running for the Second Congressional District seat. If you think that Clay is just a singer with a golden ticket then you are sorely mistaken. I was extremely impressed with his knowledge of all the national issues and his district. What I also liked was his eagerness to work with both parties. In fact his logo starts with blue coloring and goes to red symbolizing this bipartisanship. Clay Aiken has a passion for helping people and doing what is right for his district regardless of party affiliation. I think he would represent Cary and his district well and be a breath of fresh air in Washington. I would invite anyone to check out his stance on issues and contact him. His campaign office is in downtown Cary and is staffed by smart, knowledgeable people….
The Political Newsite, RollCall has a section called Heard on The Hill: Roll Call’s Gossip Blog. On Monday, the site wrote an article about Flip A District.
Heard On The Hill – Bill Maher Flip a District Contest: Ellmers in Final Four
Bill Maher’s attempt to oust a Republican member of Congress is nearing its final stage, with the liberal comedian announcing July 25 on his HBO show that Renee Ellmers of North Carolina has made it to the final four of his viewer-driven “Flip a District” contest.
Ellmers joins John Kline of Minnesota and Blake Farenthold of Texas. Maher will announce the last of the quartet on Friday night, his final show before “Real Time” takes a summer break. The aim appears to be the selection of one Republican in the final stretch of the midterm cycle and then support for that lawmaker’s Democratic challenger with both money and attention. The Flip a District “loserest loser of all,” as Maher dubs it, will be announced when his show films from Washington, D.C., on Sept. 12.
He went after Ellmers, who was among the “tweet 16″ finalists, on July 25.
Maher said, “She’s running against Clay Aiken and talking like Todd Akin….
The blog continues with quotes from Renee and other information. You can read the entire article at ROLLCALL
According to some messages on Twitter, Clay Aiken was at The Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on Monday night. The NC Theatre is presenting Disney’s Little Mermaid. Monday night was the preview show. The show will run from July 29 – August 3, 2014. I hope that Clay enjoyed the preview show.
From twitter:
Omg so tonight I met clay aiken and hes so cool and nice
From Instagram:
Have you gotten your tickets for the Concert/Fundraising event by The Red Clay Ramblers?
Wednesday night at Southland Ballroom in Raleigh for a campaign benefit featuring the Red Clay Ramblers.
Tickets are $50. For folks under 25 there will be $25 tickets available at the door.
Get your ticket and RSVP today:https://clayaiken.ngpvanhost.com/form/6669691869247571712
Thanks to all of you for your support of CANN
As always, I hope you will check back for the up-to-date news of
Clay Aiken and his Campaign for Congress