OK…OK…I guess you never really know what what will happen every day!!
The following message was posted on the Whetstone Wine Cellars Facebook page in the late afternoon:
Whetstone Wine Cellars ATTENTION:
Due the #NapaQuake, many city and county officials are unable to attend this event so unfortunately we’re canceling the fundraiser at this time.
Thank you again for your support.
How disappointing, but not surprising. The city of Napa certainly has a lot to overcome. The earthquake certainly changed the plans for so many. Have you seen some of the destruction that has taken place in Napa?
It really makes you cry!
There are plans to re-schedule the fundraiser for Clay and his campaign.
From what I have heard, the other meetings and events scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday are still on the schedule. I hope they are all a huge success.
The following are pictures of a new ad that is being passed out to homes and businesses in District 2.
Expect to see and hear more information about Clay’s busy two days.
I will post the information when it is available.