Clay Aiken in the News

Clay at the GLAAD Awards

Clay at the GLAAD Awards

Clay Aiken has been front and center in the news this past week.  His appearance and presentation at the GLAAD Awards Saturday night, was heralded as positve and professional.  Clay seemed to be the “darling” of the press.

There are still many articles and mentions every day about Clay.  Today, we are posting some of the “blurbs’ that we have found.

From  GLAAD, there is a short audio interview with Clay: Celebrities Speak OUT For Gay Rights.

From AP on Yahoo ……it is not new, but the headline is great!: Clay is a spectacular Dad

Clay is losing this poll badly. The poll is on the right, mid page. Clay is #3 out of 3: Insider Poll

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

10 thoughts on “Clay Aiken in the News

  1. I’m glad to hear he wouldn’t change anything over the past six years, I know I wouldn’t (except maybe a FEW things, but that’s a personal matter)

    It’s great to see so many positive mentions about an amazing man. and thanks CANN for keeping so current on all things Clay, your hard work is greatly appreciated!

  2. Clay Aiken seems to have a huge name recognition. Bloggers use Clay’s name in articles that have nothing to do with him just to bring hits and attention to their blogs.

    I’m happy to see Clay being recognized and respected by his peers. It’s way past due.

  3. Clay Aiken will be a very articulate spokesman for GLAAD, just as he is for UNICEF, The Bubel Aiken Foundation, and many other causes.

  4. It’s so good to see Clay Aiken so happy and involved with another cause. He is a true humanitarian.

  5. Clay Aiken was born to be a spokesperson because hes passionate about all issues that he takes to heart and is articulate and you know his words are sincere.

    Thanks for these links – can never tire of seeing or hearing him!

  6. I always find it amazing, that Clay just draws people to him…He brings attention to things that matter most in this world….Why? Because it is right…and he knows this…

    I believe he is Fearless!!!

    And today I read about him being a Spectacular Father…. To me…that is no surprise at all…but it is wonderful to see in print….. If you’re a Clay knew this already….Since his real father and step father never bothered with him….Clay has made it his purpose to probably be the best dad that he can possibly be… Parker is one lucky kid….. Way to go Clay…. I am always amazed with his compassion and caring.


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