Popdust is a celebrity gossip site that reports on musical artists that create and perform the biggest songs in the country.
Craig Marks is the Editor-in-Chief / Co-Founder of Popdust…
Craig served as top editor of Spin and Blender magazines. He became music editor of CNET in 2008 and was most recently Editor-in-Chief of Billboard magazine. He has written for GQ, Details, Rolling Stone and the New York Times.
On Tuesday, this web-magazine published a fluff piece about The 15 Best Pop-Star Pet Names. The cute article includes pets owned by Katy Perry, 50Cent, Michael Jackson and Beyonce. Number 13 on the list is Raleigh, the cute little dog who belongs to Clay Aiken. Poor Durham!! I hope he is not feeling left out. Click on the following link to see the entire list. POPDUST
Tuesday there was an expose published on the Internet about American Idol, 19 Management, and the business side of being a contestant on the popular Fox Network show. The web-site is titled:
Lee Bailey’s eurweb – Electronic Urban Report. It concentrates on Black Entertainment and Urban News.
The article’s focus is on Jacob Lusk, a young black man who is a current contestant on American Idol. The author, Mo’Kelly says that the information he is relating is from someone who worked a number of years for a number of different music labels within the industry.
Mo”Kelly feels that not winning on American Idol is a blessing in disguise for many of the Idol contestants. He feels strongly that Jacob Lusk has the potential and talent to win, but that it would not be a good business step for him to be tied with 19 Entertainment.
In the article, Mo’Kelly says”
Presently, the winner and runner-up are required to sign an exclusive management contract with 19 Entertainment (a producer of American Idol) and variations of that agreement (for lesser money) are also offered to top finalists. The key distinction is offered versus required!
The article is rather long and is filled with some strong suggestions about the difficulities the young singers have to face. The following are a few interesting points made by the author.
* Industry estimates are that Idol winners make anywhere from $650,000 to more than $1,000,000 in their first year.
* The contracts for the winner and runner-up lock them into a 7-year deal, more than twice that of any average, first-time management contract.
* The contract locks the artist into ancillary marketing, royalty and licensing deals which allow 19 Entertainment the ability to make money off the artist for as long as 10 years.
For Clay Aiken fans, the most interesting part of the articles says:
What has been less discussed is Aiken’s successful lawsuit to be released from his 19 Entertainment contract and subsequent ban from all Idol-related events.
Althought the article focuses on Jacob, it is full of interesting bits of news for all readers who are interested in American Idol and the singers who are the contestants. You can read the entire album at eurweb.
I loved reading the following announcement. Quiana Parler is a musician who supports young people and is trying to make the world a bit easier for them. I wish I could be in Charleston tonight.
The College of Charleston Upward Bound program will present the Third Annual Jazz Benefit Concert on April 6, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. The concert will be held in Physicians Memorial Auditorium.
All proceeds will be used to help the Upward Bound program sustain the residential summer program and provide scholarship assistants to graduates.
Jazz vocalist Quiana Parler will be the featured artist. Parler’s legendary band will include Chuck Dalton; Lonnie Hamilton III; Jamie Harris; James T. Rollerson; Richard White and Joe Wilson.
The Upward Bound program is a college preparatory program designed to give students the skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond high school. Since 1975, the College of Charleston Upward Bound program has provided special academic and cultural opportunities for students who have expressed an interest in pursuing a post-secondary education and have demonstrated the potential for success in college. In most cases, these students will be the first in their families to earn a college degree.
For additional information contact Upward Bound at 843.953.5249.
Thank you so much for the links. Cute little Raleigh (and Durham too)
Go Quiana!
That article about 19E was very intesting too. Things that make you think.
Interesting article. We had figured something was up when Clay hasn't been on the Idol stage since 2006, when every other successful contestant has been able to promote their new releases, except Clay. This was just confirmation. This has been very enlightening. Thanks Musicfan and CANN
Well that confirms exactly what we suspected as to why Clay is never asked to be on AI or anything AI related. Great information. These kids sign their lives away.
Interesting article about AI and the 19EIEIO machine. It's not surprising – the music industry is filled with similar stories, artists who have sold millions of units and end up in debt to their labels – the difference is that the 19 Conglomerate is more of a 360 deal – including label, management, promotion, etc. It's like selling your soul to the devil.
During the first few seasons, I don't think any of those contestants had a clue what to expect or how to handle it. Those coming along later have the benefit of history. I guess that the promise of celebrity, even if it's for a short time, is more enticing than anonymity.
This newest tidbit, although I question whether it's 100% accurate, proves to me that Clay Aiken works hard for every thing that has happened for him. While the instant fame was courtesy of AI, nothing else has been. He's a class act, that Mr. Aiken.
Thanks so much musicfan for this article. Very insightful! I agree, Mr. Aiken is a class act.
When Clay was on AI2 I was conflicted about wanting him to win (because he was the BEST) and not wanting him to win because I'd heard about the bad deal the winner got with the 19 entertainment label. I didn't know that Clay had sued to get out of that contract…good for him. He has never said anything negative about AI and that just goes to show what a real classy person he is. Long may he entertain us!
I agree that it's better to not win Idol so the singers have greater control over their careers and aren't locked into doing what the Idol team tells them to do. I'm glad Clay was able to break free.
This was a very interesting article and makes sense to me. We know that AI has not had Clay on since season 5 even though he could have brought them many more viewers. In looking at the winners and runner ups, a 7 year contract is too long and too restrictive to benefit the artist. I am glad Clay was able to get out of it.
Also, glad to read about Quiana's involvement in the Upward Bound fundraiser. I hope they raise lots of money. Quiana has a wonderful voice and this sounds like a great organization.
Yes, that article was very interesting. Bravo for Clay getting out of his contract. I do think it is better not winning AI as they have a say on everything you do…and it is like they own these singers. Clay is a classy guy and has the best voice I have ever heard. He will do great on his own…want to see him performing for many years to come.