Today is Best Friend’s Day, a day to celebrate your BFF.
Friends may come and go over the years, but best friends are forever! National Best Friend Day is an annual “holiday” held on June 8th. Also known as Best Friend Day or Best Friend’s Day, it’s a wonderful opportunity to remind that special person in your life how much he or she means to you.
And it doesn’t have to cost an arm-and-a-leg to show that special person how much you care. Why not give that one-of-a-kind BFF a call, invite him or her out to lunch or whip up a batch of his or her favorite sweet treats today? Make a new friend by visiting an area retirement center. As many lead very hectic and busy lives, why not make a pledge to be an even better friend this year?
No one lights up your life like your best friend. So take the time to cherish that one person who won’t judge you, who knows you better than you know yourself, and that is by your side when no one else is strong enough to be.
Eleanor Roosevelt said it best:
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only right friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
Clay Aiken seems to have many friends who play a special role in his life. Maybe some of these people are his Best Friends! These friends are placed in random order. Do you have someone you would like to add to this list?
Quiana Parler
Hannah Waddingham
Ruben Studdard
Nick Leisey
Tyra Banks
Diane Bubel
Jerome Bell
Jaymes Foster
Oh, Wait!! We can’t forget!
What a fun blog! It says a lot about Clay's character to see how many people he is so close to. Happy Best Friends Day!
Didn't know about this special day – so glad you wrote about it ! I really enjoyed the pics of all of
Clay's BFF's. I think this is the perfect list for him. Actually, I think first on my list (pretend) , would
be Clay, even if he doesn't know it – he is a very special Friend to me!!!! ( A girl can dream )
Well I wish I was HIS best friend *g* Miss him.
Poor Durham……
Fun blog!! I really enjoy seeing Clay surrounded by the people who are important to him in his life. I would maybe add his mom and his brother? Yep, they're family, but sometimes family can be the best friend anyone ever has
Loved seeing Clay Aiken and some of his best friends….sure miss him.
And due to Clay I have found so many good friends who share my love for him.<3
What a cute blog with photos of Clay's friends. Thanks!
What about Durham?
Yep……….he was left out……we heard so much about Raleigh and not so much about Durham!! Poor little guy…I just never even thought about him!!
That's the thing with Clay…When people get to know him, they become his friend. Look at Kristie, who works tirelessly for the NIP. David Foster, Cast from Spamalot, Angela Fisher, Durham, Ben Cohn, Diane Bubel…the list goes on and on. Clay surrounds himself with good people…and it shows. Happy Best Friend's Day everyone!!!! There is nothing like a good friend…
How about Kelly Clarkson? Or maybe some of the folks from Spamalot? They may not be as close as those you have pictured, but Clay sure loved the camaradarie of the cast. He did sing at Merle Dandridge's wedding and does go to some of the plays a few of them are in. I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel is considered a good friend.
Great blog……..lots of fun!! where do you find all the graphics for these blogs??
I would think that Clay Aiken would be a great friend. He seems very loyal to those who he can trust and I think that is wonderful.
Clay……I would be a good, loyal friend…!!!
I had not heard of Best Friends Day until this article.Thank you so much for writing about it. I really enjoy looking at the pictures of Clay and some of his friends. I also think Clay would be a very loyal and longterm friend to have. I know I have met some great people through Clay's concerts that I consider to be dear friends. Happy Friends Day to all!
I imagine Clay would be the best kind of friend to have. I'm so fortunate that because of Clay I have a wonderful group of friends. I actually went out for ice cream with a few of them today.
How about Diane Sawyer? I know he is still best friends with her. First time I had heard of Best Friends Day too. I am sure that Clay is a very best friend…he is a very loyal person. I would love to be best friends with Clay….who wouldn't?