On February 23, 2009, Adam Carolla released the first episode of the Adam Carolla Show. It is a free podcast on the ACE Broadcasting Network. The show holds the record for the most downloaded podcast and this record is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
On December 8,2011, Adam broadcast an interview with Clay Aiken. The conversation lasted over an hour. The interview was casual and each man seemed to respect each other. Many topics were discussed during the podcast and Adam gave Clay enough time to answer every question.
One of the best side effects of this show is the positive response coming from the regular Carolla listeners. There have been so many tweets that I thought it might be fun to see some of them. It is great to see that so many people enjoyed the Clay/Adam interview.
Josh Bates
Just finished listening to one of the best 1-on-1 interviews I think Adam Carolla has done. Great “the journey” breakdown with Clay Aiken(!?!?). Not to mention I found out about a great charity for kids with disabilities Clay Aiken started.
@adamcarolla great interview with Clay Aiken had no idea he was that interesting
Never thought I’d say this but, I love @ClayAiken! Open, honest, and funny interview on @AdamCarolla podcast. #respect
Gen Byrnes
@clayaiken Loved you on @adamcarolla! You’ve got a new fan!
TomsMom1997 Jennifer
He even swears! luv it! RT @clayaiken: Clay + @adamcarolla = gr8 show. Check out Clay’s episode on Adam’s show hre… bit.ly/u463nA
shawnkathleen shawn kathleen
@clayaiken Your interview was AMAZING!! Great job, guys. @adamcarolla
NatalieCoughlin Natalie Coughlin
Loved the @ClayAiken interview this morning on the @AdamCarolla podcast. Unexpected, funny & so interesting.
shatherl Scott Hatherley
The @adamcarolla 1×1 podcast with @clayaiken was excellent and unexpected. Nice work Aceman.
cb60089 cb60089
Drove in this morning listening the Adam Carolla Talk Radio Showadamcarolla.com/clay-aiken/ Clay Aiken was amazing with Adam. Wish he was on more
tammyampersand transistor sister
@adamcarolla Clay Aiken was a good guest! Surprised me a bit.sinistergirlz Leslie De Jesus
@clayaiken loved you on @adamcarolla so honest #newfoundrespect
I’ve never watched American Idol, and I knew nothing about @clayaiken. Thanks to him and @adamcarolla for an incredible interview.@jesseberney
Sort of amazed at how interesting Adam Carolla interviewing Clay Aiken is.
Clay Aiken sang the theme song to Perfect Strangers at his American Idol audition. Should have given him a record deal right then and there.
The list goes on and on and on……
Did you watch the podcast? What did you think?
It was a great interview. Clay is always a kick of course and Adam seemed pretty cool. I was a lilttle worried when I heard they were going to be on CA together but it sounds like they got along great.
Loved the interview. I learned so much about Clay. It's so insightful. If you haven't seen it or listened to it, is well worth your time.
yes, it is wonderful to see the reaction of Adam's listeners coming in. Most are so pleasantly surprised with Clay. Funny how some perceptions get out there huh? Clay's fans know that he is funny, compassionate, and he makes a great guest on any talk show or radio interview. This is really wonderful to see that some peoples idea of Clay are changing…and for the good. I guess it's about damn time huh? We've known it for 9 years now.
I remember being as awe struck and amazed by his life story when I read about it especially in Learning To Sing, that was 2 years ago. And I had wondered then, why this amazing story especially about how he started this charity from scratch wasn't talked about as much or made into a film! The Clay Aiken story is inspiring, I hope more people get the opportunity to be touched by it. In a way Adam hit the jack pot and asked the right qs. He seemed genuinely impressed along with the listeners.
Wonderful comments. They portend of great things to come.
Great seeing all those reactions together. It was an excellent interview that Adam conducted. They seem friendly to enjoy each other's sense of humor background stories.
I listened to the podcast when I saw it posted on my facebook page. Clay doesn't hold back and always is up front about his life and how he got where he is now. So glad more people had a chance to appreciate what a great guy Clay is.
I think it is the best interview Clay has ever done. I found so many new things about Clay and I've been his fan since day one. I've a@stephenslways loved Clay but I have a new found respect for Adam. Adam knows how to interview, doesn't twist the interview to be about him, doesn't interrupt and gives enough time to answer the questions. Probably because he has more time.
I'm so pleased that so many people are discovering and appreciating Clay through Adam's show.
My son was very impressed.
Great interview! Who would have thought two people as seemingly different as Adam and Clay would come together for such an informative, entertaining and funny interview. Winds of change, for sure! Before this interview, I had formed my own opinion of Adam, just as many have formed opinions about Clay. What a great reminder of looking beyond supposed differences to see beneath the layers.
I'm loving all these tweets. I really enjoyed the interview. Clay was so open and relaxed and we sure got to know Clay better. I'm so glad Clay seemed to just be himself in the interview.
Hi I thought the podcast was brilliant both Clay and Adam seemed so relaxed.
Thanks Margaret
Loved the Podcast and I love that so many people heard it. I think Clay surprised many people and will continue when he is on TV in February.
Many thanks for posting some of the tweets. It's fun to see them.
I watched the interview and I thought it was very good. Clay was able to speak freely and seem so relaxed talking with Adam. I am glad for all the positive tweets. I think many people discovered Clay is not the person that the media has portrayed him to be for many years. This is one of the best interviews that Clay has ever done. Thanks so much for writing about it and I hope many people more people will listen to it.
Yes. Loved the podcast. Clay was such a good interview, loved his honesty.
I really enjoyed the interview with Adam Corolla. You know, before the interview, I did not have much respect for Adam at all, but after the interview, I have completely changed my mind. Just goes to show you that you can't believe everything you hear. So glad that Clay seems to have been accepted by many of Adam's fans now. You just have to get to know Clay Aiken…and you will love him.
ialso loved the podcast clay was a great interview andilove his truefill ness
To me, this was the best interview ever. Clay was relaxed with Adam and Adam didn't try to shock Clay. Great interview and great interviewer!