For some reason I smile when January 18th comes around. All I can think about is January 18, 2008. That was the day that Clay Aiken made his Broadway debut in the hilarious Spamalot. Playing multiple roles, Clay portrayed a friar, a guard, another guard, and the cowardly Sir Robin, the knight who is a bit of a chicken, afraid of everything and loves to sing.
The role of Sir Robin is a lead part in Spamalot and was originated by David Hyde Pierce. Spamalot is a Tony winning musical. It was directed by Mike Nichols and co-created by Eric Idle. Clay said that the chance to work with both of these men was “a reason to jump at the opportunity.”
The crowds loved Clay, but so did Mike Nichols. He said:
Clay Aiken is amazing beyond that glorious voice. Turns out he is an excellent comic actor and a master of character. People will be surprised by his wide-ranging talent.
Besides the good words from Nichols, Clay also got great reviews from the Broadway critics. The following review from Newsday is a fun read. Remember, if you can’t read it, just click on the picture and it will become enlarged.
I was one of the lucky people who had the opportunity to see Clay on Broadway more than once. I was even lucky enough to sit in the right seat one night and be the appointed peasant of the night. I loved seeing Clay act, sing and dance…”all at the same time.”
I am sure that Clay will return to Broadway someday. I can’t wait. Whatever role he chooses will be interesting and exciting.
Hosaa has put together a wonderful Spamalot montage. She shows the special relationship between Clay Aiken and his fans. It’s a must-see.
Two days before Clay opened in Spamalot, he visited with ET and he gave a cute interview about his preparation for the show.
I thought Clay being on Broadway in Spamalot was one of the highlights of his career and one of my fondest memories as a fan! I was fortunate to have been able to see him several times in the show and in the "alley". I do hope we will see him on the Great White Way again soon…..and not Clay's soon!! LOL
wow…4 years ago!!!! where has the time gone…again!!!!!
Clay was fantastic in Spamalot, and I was lucky as well to see him a few times on stage. I'm sure Clay will return to Broadway at some point in time…and when he does…I will definitely be there. He is that GOOD!!!!! Although Spamalot didn't showcase Clay's singing voice…I'm sure his next play will..and for that alone will be spectacular…His voice truly belongs on Broadway. It's that good.
I didn't get to go to see Spamalot so all of these great videos made by the loving fans are very
precious for all of the fans like me. Thank you so much to you Musicfan and all of you who do
this and we benefit. It is so appreciated. Hoping and praying we have the opportunity in the future
to see one or more of Broadway Shows with Clay playing in it!!!
Ah, the Spamalot days! I managed to see it 14 times and even had the honor of being picked
as a Peasant Person; a night I will never forget. Acting is something Clay really is good at.
Hope to see him in more performances on Broadway.
I never did get to go to see Clay in Spamalot…but with all of the clack and pictures every seemed like I was there. Very grateful for all the video's the fans put out also.
I will be going with my daughter to see a touring Spamalot Feb. 22 here in Daytona Beach, Fl. Cannot wait.
I got to see Clay in Spamalot twice, but it was not enough! I feel that Clay is comfortable in NYC and on Broadway. Lets hope that the right play/musical is just around the corner for his talents.
Loved Spamalot! I was very fortunate to see it *ahem* multiple times, including one trip up on stage as Peasant! So many wonderful memories, and Clay Aiken couldn’t have picked a better vehicle for his Broadway debut!
Wow! So sorry I missed this time in his career. I've heard it was spectacular! Maybe he'll do something else in the future.
Love the Spamalot videos. Clay was so good in the show. He is soooo talented. I hope he visits Broadway again soon!
I was fortunate to have seen Spamalot multiple times. Clay was wonderful as Sir Robin. I hope the next time he's on Broadway we'll get to hear more of his magnificant voice.
I never did get to go to see Clay in Spamalot…but was checking the boards with all the clack, pictures every night…..and had fun just doing that.
Thanks for the videos….Clay sure is great at everything he does.
I so wish I had been there for Clay's openning night at Spamalot. I was fortunate, however, to see the show several times. I will never forget the wonderful memories.
Thank you so much for bringing us all this, musicfan, and hosaa for the wonderful montage. And I'm so glad it's to a song of his and such a touching theme; thinking of him as singing it to us while I watched, he sounded even more beautiful, lol.
I'm a MP/Holy Grail fan and as soon as I heard Clay was going with Spamalot I was eeeking w/excitement, I thought he was perfectly suited for it and I was so right! I got to see the show 3 times; it was totally delightful and so was he, and 11 more times would not have been too much. And how fun to have been the peasant and gotten to go up on stage, awesome! But we were there for Broadway Cares, so got a pic. A great time, I am so glad he did this and that Mike Nichols had good things to say!
Spamalot brings back so many happy memories. Clay was so great in his roles. I saw it 4 times and with the cast bringing in a few of their "own" lines each time, I could have seen it many more.
It was an exciting time for all of Clay's fans. I am so glad Clay had the opportunity to perform on Broadway and I hope he does it again one day. Thanks for the videos .-loved them.