On Friday, the following was tweeted by GLSEN:
GLSEN @glsen
Watch @clayaiken talk about why creating safe schools for #LGBT students is important to him – http://glsen.us/V7gqUW
For fans of Clay Aiken, it was wonderful to see him and listen to the important message he passed on to us.
Many people knew that Clay had attended the GLSEN Respect Awards in New York City. The event, held on May 21st was an outstanding occasion. According to the GLSEN webpage:
The ninth annual Respect Awards -New Yorkwere unforgettable. We honored Marguerite Kondracke, Janet Sammons, James Hubert Blake High School’s “Allies 4 Equality,” and the National Basketball Association for their immense commitment to respect and equality.
Business leaders joined celebrity guests, educators, student advocates, corporate partners, donors and GLSEN staff to celebrate the gains made so far in making schools safer for all throughout the country and to continue promoting respect for difference.
The GLSEN Respect Awards – Los Angeles will be held on Friday, October 5, 2012. The Chairmen’s Award will honor Bob and Harvey Weinstein for their critical role in distributing the movie, Bully.
GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Established in 1990, GLSEN envisions a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. GLSEN seeks to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes to creating a more vibrant and diverse community. For information on GLSEN’s research, educational resources, public policy advocacy, student organizing programs and educator training initiatives, visit www.glsen.org.
Woot! Now we know where he is! I can't believe we didn't scoop this out before yesterday! Okay guys, we are slipping, lol! It might be possible he was added in at the last minute? I heard it's been sold out for months too., Sheesh let's hope somebody tapes him singing and posts it somewhere! EEEEEEE! Gala is in 3 weeks!!! Hope to see you all there!
It is so important for everyone to be able to have a safe school. I’m glad Clay is speaking out fit the kids!
You can count on Clay for caring about "ALL" God's children !!
I love Clay using his voice for a better life for today's youth. They have a difficult time, and need someone to be on their side. Way to go Clay!!!! And tonight he will be in Calgary, Alberta to sing at a Unicef function, that is sold out.
When Clay came out, it didn't sound like he intended to be a spokesperson for the LGBT community. I'm so proud of him for evolving into one.
So glad that Clay is such an advocate for all these organizations and GLSEN. So very proud of him and all the good he does.
Thanks for the link, musicfan! I didn't hear his speech, so it's great to have it. Love that you keep us up with what he does and remind us always that he's one of the good guys…