Back in 2004, Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson toured together on the Independence Tour. They were both fresh faces in the music field and wanted to tour. It seemed logical to tour together.
The tour stopped in 30 different cities and lasted from February 24th to April 16th.
Early in the tour, Lynda Loveland from WRAL -TV in Raleigh, North Carolina, visited with Clay. One of the interesting things that she recorded was a tour of Clay and Kelly’s tour bus. I thought it was interesting to see the inside of the bus and Clay was a fine host!
Although the bus was very nice. I can’t imagine being on there for months at a time. I guess you can only hope that the people on your bus don’t snore.
The following video is the Lynda Loveland bus tour.
It’s so fun to see stuff like this. I’m sure Clay and Kelly had many good times on that bus.
Such fun – for sure! I enjoyed the Video and have seen it before but always ready to see this good
stuff more than once! Thank you, Musicfan! You always have great articles and appreciate all that
you do!!!
I would love to see them tour together again.
This was nice to see again…It just seems so long ago. Thanks musicfan.
How fun to see that again!
i am sure that clay and kelly had fun on the bus that was nice to see that again i would love to see them both tour together again
I'm not sure if I ever did see this video! If I did, it was wayyyyy back in 2004!, and sometimes I have a bad case of CRS! Thanks musicfan, as someone said above me, you do such a delish job at thinking of things to tell us, remind us or just plain fun stuff~!!! Thank YOU!
It's great seeing videos like this that I had forgotten about. Thanks for sharing this one.