Bob Keyes at the Maine Sunday Telegram wrote about an interview he had with Clay Aiken. They talked about Clay’s role as Joseph in the Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice musical, Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It is an excellent article and a few things stand out:
1. Clay still thinks he can’t dance!
2. Director Jayme McDaniel enjoys Clay’s voice.
3. Clay is aware of the excellent reputation of the Ogunquit Playhouse.
4. Clay has the respect of the entire cast.
The following are a few highlights from the article:
Clay Aiken’s not just any Joe
Instead of ‘Idol’-ing along, the pop star rises to the challenges of theater in ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.”
Clay Aiken is not afraid of acting, and the whole world knows singing comes naturally to one of the most popular stars to ever emerge from the “American Idol” TV show.
But dancing? No way.
He’s as clumsy as can be, he says.
“I like this role because it doesn’t make me dance,” he said with a laugh by phone last week from New York, where he and the rest of the cast of the Ogunquit Playhouse production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” were rehearsing…
…He said he chose to do the show because he knew the reputation of the Ogunquit Playhouse, and is interested in doing more theater.
“Ogunquit is a storied and respected theater throughout the country, even in Manhattan, but really throughout the theater world. The opportunity to do a show like this in a place that is so well-respected was hard to turn down,” he said…
…”I was certainly familiar with his voice before we started the process, but now, listening to it every day, I hear how he’s been influenced by so many styles. The remarkable thing about his singing is how it appears so effortless,” McDaniel said.
“He just sings higher and higher, and you never question just how high it can go. It’s not like any ‘Joseph’ that we have heard before.”…
…”I found him to be a warm, well-rounded and talented person,” Kenney said. “The character of Joseph needs a fresh, appealing centerpiece.
“Vocally, he needs to be an outstanding pop performer who can handle Andrew Lloyd Webber’s best songs in a first-rate and interpretative fashion. The character is a white sheep in a family of black sheep brothers. You need warmth to pull it off, and Clay has that. We just found him to be very down to earth and genuine.”…
…His peers appreciate him too. McDaniel said Aiken has not received special treatment because of his star status. The cast, who are members of the Actors Equity union, voted him their deputy to serve as a go-between for the cast and management.
It’s unusual for an actor with celebrity status to take on that role, and it speaks to the cast members’ fondness for, and trust in, Aiken, McDaniel said…
A big thank-you to Mr Keyes for this great article. Be sure and visit the site to read the entire article and please, leave a comment. We do want the writer and the paper to know that Clay has lots of fans who appreciate positive articles about Clay!! You can read the article at NOTJUSTANYJOE
What was your favorite part of the article?
That has to be one of the best interviews in a long time. I love that we learned about the respect Clay shows for the show and theatre…and then the respect that the cast is showing Clay. What an honor for him to be the deputy for the cast.
I am so excited to see this show. I can't wait!
Many thanks for getting all the news to us so quickly!
Wow, that's high praise for Clay! Agree with Rally, and I was thrilled to read about the actress agreeing to do the show because Clay would be in it. That's just awesome.
This was one of the best articles about Clay I have read in years! From what I have seen of Clay this article has him spot on- warm, genuine, fair…..sounds like the Clay we have all come to know and love.
I like that he said he is interested in doing more theatre. I would not be surprised at all to see him back on Broadway or in another local show "soon". As the article said-it's a natural transition and the perfect place for Clay to show his talent and strengths. Lets face it- anyone who has watched youtube videos of Brining Broadway Home can see he belongs on a theatre stage!
Yes, that was a wonderful interview with clay, he's still the same good human being he always was, his Mom must be so proud of him as we are too, I would have so loved to see Clay in the show but I know he'll do great, it seems like he's found what he really enjoys doing. God bless him.
Thanks Musicfan for all the news about Clay which we look forward to every day. xox
Favorite part of the article? Nope, I loved it all. I’m so happy to hear all the wonderful things said in the article. I know Clay will knock’em dead this week. Thank you for posting this.
Ditto to this being a fabulous article. I commented and hope all of you do the same. It's important to let the PTB know how much we love Clay and adore a great writeup about him.
I loved the entire interview. I'm even more excited about seeing this play now. I don't know how I will survive until closing weekend when I finally see him.
I would love to go and see it, but it is so far. He will be fantastic as he is in everything.
I loved this fabulous interview. I loved all of it and I think it is one of the best ever written about Clay. I know anyone attending the play will have a marvelous time. The top 2 roles(Joseph and the narrator) are performed by the best of the best in the business. I cannot go, but for those attending , savor every minute of it! Thanks so much for posting this article!
Great article. Enjoyed reading it. No negativity here, just as it should be.
This is a fine article regarding Clay's humanity, his talent, and his personality. Rarely does a writer capture such an accurate understanding of the person he or she is interviewing. My favorite line is: "I'm only the other person for an hour and a half," he said. "I wish I could take more of a break from myself." I believe this ability to thoroughly appreciate the character of another individual, whether real or fictiona, is Clay's most wonderful attribute.
Beautiful article CLAY is Amazing!!!!!!! i saw the sow 6 times and everyone of them got better and better. THANK YOU CLAY!!!!!!