American Idol……..good….bad……..don’t care??
Whatever you think, we do know that American Idol introduced Clay Aiken to the world. Every year, we are reminded of that by the many articles, polls and arguments that pop up all over the internet.
These reminders made me look in my American Idol picture file. Sometimes it is interesting to go back and remember the weeks of fun. I don’t know how any of the contestants make it through the tension, emotion, and politics each week. Perhaps it was the love and affection of the fans. Do you remember?
There are two things we can see from these pictures!
1. We take better pictures now than in 2003!
2. Clay really didn’t want to be eliminated!!
It certainly was nervewracking, wasn't it? I can't imagine how it was for Clay! Thank goodness he made it to the end, sorta, lolol!
I love those pictures! Yep, he really didn't want to be eliminated but who else could look so cute while being so tense.
he was so cute back then… turned out to be one handsome man now…;)
Such cute pictures!!
Aww, love those photos, what an adorable guy he is, love him, hope the third time around in his venture he wins. Thanks musicfan.
It remains one of my very favorite television experiences! My family would sit down and watch, twice a week, and we never missed a single episode (we'd plan around Idol). Fabulous memories! Thanks so much!
I feel that we are the luckiest ones…..we had the best of the best. We have memories to last a life time. I feel that we have not seen or heard the last of Clay Aiken.
As far as AI goes…it really is 'game over' Idol found'
I often hear Clay's voice singing in my mind!
As I said, we really are the luckiest ones!
aww ilove those photos what a amazingman clay is ilove him also we areindeed the luckiest ones we have memories to last us and we sure did haved the best of the best i have a feeling that we havent seen or herd the last of our clay man
My husband died just a few weeks before and Clay was a huge blessing for our family during the
remainder of that sad, cold , winter! He was our "Clay Gift" – Clay absolutely did not want to go home.
That season of AI will never be forgotten. Nor will any of the following 10 years. All of these pics show just how tense that time was – such a sincere young man that has grown to be very distinguished young man.