Clay Aiken – Memories of March 12th

Do you remember what you were doing on March 12th, 2010? For many Clay Aiken fans, this date will bring back memories of the taping of the PBS special at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. The concert, lovingly called the “OMG” Concert was the beginning of a year of wonderful live music, a new CD and DVD and many PBS specials on TV.

I was lucky enough to attend the “OMG” concert four years ago. I looked up what I wrote about the concert and thought I would share it with you.

Clay Aiken’s back in town and he is better than ever! Tonight’s concert was beyond the wildest expectations of the fans in attendance.

The concert was polished, professional and classy. Clay’s voice was phenomenal on the fresh arrangements of the timeless classics.

Clay opened the show with a rousing rendition of Mack The Knife and closed the show with a poignant version of Moon River. Each song chosen for the program allowed Clay to showcase his wonderful voice. It is amazing how his voice soared on the variety of songs. Each one highlighted his versatility and range.

It was a treat to see Ruben and Clay together again. I had forgotten what a beautiful voice Ruben has. The surprise of the evening was the guest appearance of Linda Eder who is one of the best female vocalists performing today. Linda joined Clay in singing the song, Crying. Clay announced that Linda recorded the song with him for his new album.

The evening was beyond even the highest expectations. I wish that every one of you could have been there to celebrate this wonderful performance.

Attending this concert in Raleigh was one of the most exciting nights I can remember. It is still close to the top of the list. One of the magic moments was hearing Clay sing Unchained Melody. The arrangement by Ben Cohn was amazing and Clay really made the song his own! And I will always remember the wonderful tribute to Clay’s teachers. There is just something special about Clay Aiken. His heart is filled with love and respect of those who have helped him grow into an outstanding young man!

Dear Clay:

  We are deeply sorry to hear about the death of Amaryllis McGhee. 

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss…our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

11 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Memories of March 12th

  1. I'll never forget that OMG concert! I loved every minute of it! The greatest thing is when he told us that we needed to come to Raleigh on March 12th. We didn't know what it was for, but we came anyway!! I still listen to some of my favorite cuts from that album on my CD's in my car!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the death of Amaryllis McGhee – much love and many prayers being sent
    to Clay and everyone that was so close to her. Such very sad news!

    I attended the PBS Concert and it was most wonderful and exciting – loved reading what you wrote
    about it – it was my first trip to Raleigh and will remember it always!

  3. Definitely one of the best nights of my life!!! From the moment he walked out on the stage until the last note of Moon River I just sat there wrapped up in his voice.
    But, as much as I loved the singing, my favorite moment was when I heard a commotion right in the aisle behind me–and there was Clay (and Jerome). He was on his way to speak with a fan who had taken an incredibly long bus ride to get there. What a thrill it must have been for her to have him take her hand and walk her down the aisle to a front seat.
    When the concert was over, there was still electricity in the air. We all knew that we had witnessed something so special–Clay Aiken—OMG!!!

  4. Yes, my friends and I were lucky enough to be there for that special night. Sorry to hear about the passing of Amaryllis McGhee. She's like a grandma to Clay.

  5. I was just thinking of that Raleigh trip yesterday. It was rainy and dark by the time we drove to the motel the day before the concert. We toured the city of Raleigh, but it is hard to remember what we saw because all we could think about was the concert that evening. Clay was fantastic! So many surprises in his concert…Ruben, Linda Eder, the dancers and Unchained Melody.

  6. Love those videos, I have the dvd of the concert and it is great, not quite but almost like being there! Thanks Clay for your music and thanks ladies for posting.

    ps. may I ask who Amaryllis McGee was, was she someone close to Clay?

    • Amaryllis was the dear lady who opened up her home to Clay and his mother when they moved away from Clay's abusive father. It was her house that Clay spoke from in his Political YouTube.

  7. The Tried and True cd was the only one I got here in the Philippines. The dvd and all of Clay's other cd's, Christmas dvd, book and audio book I was able to purchase via Amazon with the help of a very dear friend based in Las Vegas. Now they are my most prized possessions and I listen to all of them everyday. I love all the songs on Tried and True. It's the ultimate collection of classic songs as interpreted by a classic and exceptional talent that is Clay Aiken. I have watched the dvd countless times and it was an OMG concert indeed. I so wish I was there to see it all and hear him sing live…

  8. My deepest sympathy is extended to Clay and Faye and all their family and the family of the wonderful Amaryllis McGhee. The loss of this lady will be deeply felt. She was so kind to open her door to Faye and Clay and that will be something they will carry with them forever. Rest in peace and God bless.

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