Clay Aiken – The Word Of The Day – Compromise.

I just received a wonderful e-mail from Clay Aiken.  I am sure many of you received the same e-mail, however, I would like to share it with anyone who did not get the e-mail.


Last week I had the pleasure of reading to some elementary school students in our district. We read one of my favorite short stories from childhood — The Zax by Dr. Seuss.
It’s a classic story that you may remember. A North-Going Zax and a South-Going Zax bump into each other while traveling in the prairie of Prax.
Both refuse to take even a single step to the side so they can proceed. Instead, they both stubbornly insist on standing still until the other Zax budges. Of course, neither does, and over time the world just builds up around them.
I asked the children what they thought the moral of the story was. We talked about pride and stubbornness and how it kept the Zax from moving forward. The word of the day was compromise. The kids got it immediately.
The story and its moral seem simple enough. But after watching what’s been happening in Washington these past few years, I’m starting to think we should make this required reading for our Members of Congress.
The challenges we face won’t be solved overnight by just one person or party, but sometimes you have to be willing to take the first step.
Paid for by Clay Aiken for North Carolina
Clay for North Carolina
PO Box 3809
Cary NC 27519-3809 United States

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

1 thought on “Clay Aiken – The Word Of The Day – Compromise.

  1. The perfect story, depicting government as it is now. I'm sure the children enjoyed hearing the story as much as Clay enjoyed reading it. He's a smart man.

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