Clay Aiken -Ease The Lonely Feelings

The fans are getting restless.

 Clay Aiken –   What are you doing?? 

We would love to hear from you!!

Perhaps these pictures and this video will help  and maybe send a message to Clay that


Without You…..We Are Sad

The fans are getting restless.

 Clay Aiken –   What are you doing?? 

We would love to hear from you!!

Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

7 thoughts on “Clay Aiken -Ease The Lonely Feelings

  1. Sure , I miss him, but Clay' s putting his life back into order! Moving to his second home, spending quality time with his son, and just enjoying his life, He's probably reevaluating his life. We as Clay's fan must understand his needs and try to be patience! Speaking for myself, I just want him to be happy! Isn't that what we want for people we love, is to be happy!

  2. Shirley..I totally agree with your post!! Watched "Without You"….gosh…he did such an amazing job on that song. Especially near the end…it was almost like his heart was breaking…Great Job Clay!!! Such feeling!

  3. Thank you Musicfan for the video. I play cd's of Clay's everyday. It makes my day a better day when I hear Clay singing.

  4. Clay has given us so much of himself over the years that it is difficult for us not to be spoiled! Following his grueling campaign trail with all its ups and downs, I believe Clay is entitled to long rest with maximum time to regroup! We were certainly amazed when he emerged from his last "absence" to announce he would be running for Congress!! Who knew? Even though I miss Clay severely, I have learned my lesson: THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

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