Clay Aiken – Keeping In Touch


It’s always a fun day when Clay Aiken is in a chatty mood.  Wednesday was one of those day!!!

The day started with a great Instagram picture and short note!



It looks like Harlem had a fun playtime at the park!!  But who was spent? Clay or Harlem??

In the afternoon, Clay posted the following tweet:

So glad to be back with my girl, @MeghanMcCain on @americanowradio tonight at 8pm on your local station or online:


AmericaNowRadio sent an Instagram:


americanowradioTONIGHT! Our friend@clayaiken will be in-studio at 8pm ET to talk #election2016 Make sure you tune in:

Clay followed with 3 more tweets with the time and link.  They were followed by another tweet from AmericaNowRadio:


America Now Radio ‏@americanowradio 3m3 minutes agoSan Antonio, TX The time is NOW!! @ClayAiken is LIVE in the @americanowradio studios – LISTEN HERE:

I am glad that both Clay and the radio station let us know about the show!

Clay and Meghan talked about many things.

  1.  Howard Stern – Clay thinks he is a great interviewer!
  2. Donald Trump – Brand is being hurt by the election.
  3. Newt vs. Megan Kelly – Clay missed the confrontation as he was driving home from NC.
  4. Clay said he would be on the show on election night.

Of course there was much more, but…why not listen.  You can hear the entire Clay/Meghan part of the show at AMERICANOWRADIO

Isn’t it nice to get some warning when Clay will be on radio/TV?  Right now I have a light circle around Friday morning for BOLD.  When I hear more, I will let you know!

Have a Wonderful Day!!


Clay Aiken News Network is an unofficial fansite. We are not affiliated in any way with Clay Aiken or his management. This website was made by fans for fans and makes no impression or impersonation of the official site, which can be found under the domain

2 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – Keeping In Touch

  1. Clay and Meghan seem to have a genuine respect for each other, being on opposites sides of the coin! I sense they are very good friends, too! I listened to the broadcast and enjoyed the entire show! Clay was great of course! Looking forward to election day and get both their views!

  2. How can we have a true election when the touch screen machines have been instantly switching the vote & boxes of paper ballots have been found already filled out for Clinton? The strangest thing to me is that every day more incriminating information comes forth & IT NEVER SEEMS TO MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!! Clay’s opinion never varies & he is a very smart man. I never seem to make a connection with America Now. I keep trying. Still & always will have ❤️ Unconditional love for Clay. Wish I had been at the Gala.

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