“I always like the idea that you can turn on the radio and say, ‘Oh, that’s Clay Aiken.
Oh, that’s Barbra Streisand. Oh, that’s Frank Sinatra, Oh, that’s Tony Bennett.’ They’re a
star if you can identify them immediately by their sound. That kid has his own sound.
He’s got energy. He’s got soul. He’s got it all. That voice pours out of him.”
– Merv Griffin
Clay Aiken – Live -The PBS Concert was on March 12, 2010
International Media had the following to say about Clay Aiken – Live!
Tried and True, American Idol Super Star Alumni Clay Aiken’s first Public Television special, reaches back into the romantic past of the 50’s and 60’s, featuring many of the most iconic love songs ever written. Shot at the Memorial Auditorium in Clay’s home town of Raleigh, North Carolina, Tried and True features a full orchestra and big band. Clay is joined on stage by special guest and American Idol colleague Ruben Studdard, along with special guest Linda Eder, who is widely recognized as one of the best female vocalists of our time.
German born Alex Christensen is handling production and arrangements, and brings the considerable skills he developed working with Paul Anka on his acclaimed ‘Rock Swings’ album and Michael Bolton on his major Sinatra tribute ‘Bolton Swings Sinatra’ to this concept, as well as the more contemporary sounds of his own project Alex Swings & Oscar Sings, featured recently on the Oprah Winfrey show.
Do you remember these pictures?
It was an exciting event for so many!!
The following video has Clay singing Eso Beso (The Kiss) live on the concert.
But, the talented Hosaa put together some fun about “The Kiss”
I hope you enjoy the video!
Now, wasn’t that fun?
Thank you, CANN for posting this special Claymemory, with the pictures, article and the wonderful video! I have this DVD in my collections and enjoy watching whenever I please!
Thank you for the video. I did watch the show on PBS. It was a great show.
Truly miss Clay! Wish he would make another album and do some concerts! His voice is to pure and he sings like an angel we need more of Clay! Please Clay sing to us!
I especially love this because during that dance Clay was dashing around behind the scenes to appear directly behind me in the theater. He was so close, I could have touched him. Always loved that close up view–the closer you get, the better he looks!!
I was at the taping of that concert in Raleigh. What a night! I often wonder why it is never reshown when PBS has a fundraiser. They keep bringing out really old 'stuff'. Looking back at Clay's life shows just how amazing the past years have been for him. To go from college student, teacher of special ed, singer, politician and now on talk programs it boggles the mind!
Merv Griffin said it best. “He’s got it all.” Loved all the pictures. Just one of Clay’s many wonderful reinvents! Thanks musicfan. A great post.
UNCONDITIONAL love for you Clay. Thanks for posing.
Oh yeah, that was fun!!! Would love to see Clay perform with that sassy Casey again. So happy I got to see both shows live, the taping of the PBS TV Special with the Esso Besso dance, and the Tried and True Tour where Casey loved to exploit that KISS.
Thanks so much to you and Hosaa for bring back the memories.
I just have to say, the kissing in that video was soooo sexy!
Love the video and the daily newsletter!! Thanks so much!!
Now I remember that song! Oh my!! Very nicely put together! I wonder if there is an mp3 made from this show? I sure would love to have it! He is awesome in it!! Sangs reallll gooood!!! Thanks once again Musicfan!!!
Well. WoW! What a blast! Yeah, gaymarie1 is right, he sounds great, the tempo and range and everthing suit him; like Rickey Martin’s song did, too. He should do a Latin-music CD maybe
My PC was down then (stuffed full of Clay vids, haha) so didn’t hear about the PBS special in time to go, but I did make the concert in Phoenix area. He was in superb voice (bliss) and bantered w the guys about their women forcing em to attend, but it wasn’t like the shows in this vid. (totally agree with you about his kissing, Judy – Whew! LOL.)
Thank you once again, musicfan, for your great newsletters and always giving us something fun from OMC, catching us up on everything he did and does!!