Clay Aiken – A Gift? Of…Clay??

On May 16, 2008, Clay Aiken visited with Jimmy Kimmel as part of the promotion for his album, On My Way Here.  There are a few things I remember about the show.

1.  Jimmy gave Clay the gift of clay…a bust of Clay made from clay!!!

2.  Clay and Jimmy talked about Chinatown in New York City and some of the home remedies that you can find there.

3.  Clay shared stories about some of the backstage pranks and rituals at Spamalot.

4.  Clay sang both Ashes and On My Way Here.  Unfortunately, Ashes did not make the TV broadcast.

Do you remember this performance?

I wish we had a You Tube of this performance!!

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4 thoughts on “Clay Aiken – A Gift? Of…Clay??

  1. I do remember this performance – it was a fun show. You caught some great photos! Thank you for sharing them all even if there was no video.

    Clay looks so good on all of them!

  2. I remember this visit to Jimmy Kimmel Great show and loved Clay's performance of OMWH! I wish I could have seen him perform "Ashes". Love all the pictures!

  3. When visiting Kimmel that evening, Clay still had his Spamalot haircut. I really did like Clay with the long blond hair. He & Jimmy were funny as usual that night.

  4. I also do remember the performance clay gave clay had a spamalot hair cut I don't like clays yellow hair but I love the pictures

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